Anyone advocating an independent Somaliland or Puntland is delusional and just scared of the enemy !

Do you support a unfifed Somali weyn?

  • Yes, Of course!

    Votes: 20 74.1%
  • No, I'm nothing meaningful please take away my Somali pass and let me suffer.

    Votes: 7 25.9%

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Idk what has happened recently but anyone claiming those regions independent are just scared bancoon lovers who would rather hold pride and patriotism for a mere region rather than you're history, culture, what many ppl were killed for and yet you ( certain individuals with ideologies cancer to our society) want to go your separate ways like cowards who don't choose to fight and me being a person full of pride not arrogance can't allow for bad apples to spoil the bunch meaning idc about you're gd intentions for you're mere regions and help (come together and build bridges) the country as a whole (greater Somalia not no mere region). Why should anyone here think they can just do as they please quit with the anarchy and come together not separating and drawing lines between one another and if you're still dumb enough to want some merger between 2 States and sell 1 out or for those 2 regions to go their separate ways are worse than subhuman habeshit zioshit scum anyone who isn't agreeing on no unified Somali Weyn needs their Somali pass revoked and just become a bancoon.

Make sure to vote on the poll.
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Somali chauvinist
Idk what has happened recently but anyone claiming those regions independent are just scared bancoon lovers who would rather hold pride and patriotism for a mere region rather than you're history, culture, what many ppl were killed for and yet you want to go your separate ways like cowards who don't choose to fight and me being a person full of pride not arrogance can't allow for bad apples to spoil the bunch meaning idc about you're gd intentions for you're mere regions and help the country as a whole (greater Somalia not no mere region). Why should anyone here think they can just do as they please quit with the anarchic ways and come together not separating and drawing lines between one another and if you're still dumb enough to want some merger between 2 States and sell 1 out or for those 2 regions to go their separate ways are worse than subhuman habeshit zioshit scum anyone who isn't agreeing on no unified Somali Weyn needs their Somali pass revoked and just become a bancoon.

They are delusional people living in the west who get their news from twitter.

They are delusional people living in the west who get their news from twitter.

They could try spread their ideology as the situation is bleak atm I can't lie but we need someone who can lead us to new heights I.e a Hitler or Ghaddafi ( someone with charisma not no docile puppet)not no Xaarmajo.


Reformation of Somaliland
Or you're just delusional that a single greater Somali state is possible.

Even in the height of unionism of the 1950/60s the one people that seeked a greater Somali state were the people in the North more specially the Isaaq, as the people of the south has no interest. The delegation was forced to accept all demands by the south when they went to Mog to negotiate to build the state as the perils of the North just didn't care and wanted to make it.

The rest were happy with how they are

Not gonna happen now as the level of mistrust and hate between everyone is at an all time high


𐒖 𐒚𐒒𐒘𐒂𐒗𐒆 𐒖𐒒𐒆 𐒈𐒂𐒇𐒙𐒒𐒌 𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂. PIM.
It’s you who is delusional. Stop acting like Somalis were always a unit. Before the colonizers arrived we had nothing to do with each other. Puntland was known as Majeertenia aka Suldanadda Majeerteen back then and we even colonized parts of the South i.e., Hobyo Sultanate. Anyways, sovereign Puntland is inevitable.
Gd timing now I can see some aidsthopian puppets in action :nvjpqts: become aidsthopian yh I heard both you're habeshit oromo bredrin are calling.
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@Manzana & @SirLancelLord

Throwing in the towel are we? I made my stance pretty clear before become a country be my guest jk isaaqland ( the 1 salty tribe who wants independence (rather than come to the table along with the South and Puntland and talk war is what they eanyed for our nation just so yhe deep state could carrw out what they wanted) need to behave and quit seeking you're wet dream of independence yet you have Somali in your name) and Puntland won't ever live in prosperity If you merge or go your separate ways you'll just become the Weimar republic ( a broke puppet who seems help from anyone and everything) and why should I let anarchy be exported to our Somali bredrin and be used it's pretty clear you both are dodging the question and want to be puppets and just a mere buffer state and let our ppl suffer and their deaths be for nothing no way in this dunya shall that occur.

If you both want to be independent find your own colonies maybe Antarctica will do for you both since along with yourselves your ideologies will be gone you bunch of sell outs and you dare call yourselves Somali kmt.
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Idk what has happened recently but anyone claiming those regions independent are just scared bancoon lovers who would rather hold pride and patriotism for a mere region rather than you're history, culture, what many ppl were killed for and yet you ( certain individuals with ideologies cancer to our society) want to go your separate ways like cowards who don't choose to fight and me being a person full of pride not arrogance can't allow for bad apples to spoil the bunch meaning idc about you're gd intentions for you're mere regions and help (come together and build bridges) the country as a whole (greater Somalia not no mere region). Why should anyone here think they can just do as they please quit with the anarchy and come together not separating and drawing lines between one another and if you're still dumb enough to want some merger between 2 States and sell 1 out or for those 2 regions to go their separate ways are worse than subhuman habeshit zioshit scum anyone who isn't agreeing on no unified Somali Weyn needs their Somali pass revoked and just become a bancoon.

Make sure to vote on the poll.
How long do you think they will last as countries for before gettin invaded


I think the “real enemy” is vastly overrated here Kyrie Irving just had to donate to Kenya because they couldn’t afford clean water for their people:mjlol: Ethiopia is literally gaajo :pachah1:while having such a large population a collapse is eminent :lolbron: the only thing these shitholes have over Somalia is peace:ooh: but puntland and somaliland already have peace so there equal:manny: I see no reason why puntland and Somaliland can’t outcompete Kenya and Ethiopia :ehh:


How long do you think they will last as countries for before gettin invaded
Kenya isn’t near somaliland and puntland and in a war Ethiopia would lose, there not as united as you think and can’t afford a direct war lol they can’t even provided for their people currently, if we just prolong it and use gurriella warfare Ethiopia would be finished as a country due to large famine and even clan infighting


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
I’m sick of this “but the colonizers were the ones who united Somalia!”
No shit Sherlock, you want to know how they did it? They united themselves, Italy use to be small city states and kingdoms. They united and now they have the combined resources to go and take over places. France did it, Britain did it. Hell, the fucking Iroquois did it. How is basic unity delusion? The idea of tribalism is delusion and backwards.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
I’m sick of this “but the colonizers were the ones who united Somalia!”
No shit Sherlock, you want to know how they did it? They united themselves, Italy use to be small city states and kingdoms. They united and now they have the combined resources to go and take over places. France did it, Britain did it. Hell, the fucking Iroquois did it. How is basic unity delusion? The idea of tribalism is delusion and backwards.
You can’t compare somalia to those countries. I mean it all comes down to the people and you know how Somalis are :bell:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
You can’t compare somalia to those countries. I mean it all comes down to the people and you know how Somalis are :bell:
Imma slap through your screen Gucci, believe in your people. Once a upon a time France wasn’t shit, now it’s the shit. We gotta start somewhere.
How long do you think they will last as countries for before gettin invaded
Who? If you mean those 2 regions I'd say they'd invade like they are atm ( setting up shop) then when they get their numbers up and the green light is given they will last maybe a few months* tops as they're primitive armies plus their hate for 1 another rather than the enemy who seeks to use divide/ conquer tactics since they work so easily

* = based on my generosity and them being countries would really signal the end of this dunya so if they will become 2 separate countries or do a merger they'll just have to dream on ig and work for Jannah.
I think the “real enemy” is vastly overrated here Kyrie Irving just had to donate to Kenya because they couldn’t afford clean water for their people:mjlol: Ethiopia is literally gaajo :pachah1:while having such a large population a collapse is eminent :lolbron: the only thing these shitholes have over Somalia is peace:ooh: but puntland and somaliland already have peace so there equal:manny: I see no reason why puntland and Somaliland can’t outcompete Kenya and Ethiopia :ehh:
The real enemies I.e the deep state, Habeshits and bancoons and their funders who train soldiers, give them money to do nothing, give them Intel, and more) actually puts their money where their mouth is as they were put up to it so the deep state ( the same satanic zioshit entity who said they'll take out Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Lebanon, Sudan and Iran) and they do what they want unless we are united and put 9ur money where our mouth is like Iran who patterned Pissrahell with Hezbollah, and keeping Yemen from becoming a puppet state, Helping Assad stay in power along with Russia and Turkey.

However the 2 regions are primitive compared to the Habeshits and bancoon armies who are trained and equipped well also having money to burn so the deep state can use up Somalia then throw it away. It's all a matter of greed and hubris will be their downfall and a stalemate really shows their frustrations hence why they get their favourite politicians to do up lip service.

All in all we need to get our act together and unite not play into the hands of scum.
Jealous?? Puntland ha noolato!

:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: don't make me laugh. Jealous of what exactly? you guys along with isaaqland trying to become the joke of a country ( ies) unity is where it's at end of unless you wanna be a bancoon be my guest they'll rival you're native population and the Europeans and other ppl will steal you're fish and you'll be powerless.
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Somalia isn’t uniting, it’s been 30 years and we are just as far apart as we were back then if not more today. Keeping the failed project together will get us all annexed, we can’t even have a proper airforce or navy (we have the PMPF but they can’t secure our whole coast unfortunately). Soon Ethiopia will control the seas and the air unless we go our separate ways.


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Somalia isn’t uniting, it’s been 30 years and we are just as far apart as we were back then if not more today. Keeping the failed project together will get us all annexed, we can’t even have a proper airforce or navy (we have the PMPF but they can’t secure our whole coast unfortunately). Soon Ethiopia will control the seas and the air unless we go our separate ways.

Nations throughout history have fought for much longer. 30 years and that’s it? The enemy is united and strong. We are bickering and falling apart. :jcoleno:
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