Anti-Zionist priest and big critique of Israel was stabbed in Sydney during prayers.

We live in the self-purported "land of opportunity" but all of these children of immigrants here from the Middle East (or wherever else) still choose to throw their lives away, it pisses me off to no extent.

We're more geographically isolated than North America and Europe, so our parents' generation would have made a more grueling, exhausting trek to this country (a 20-hour flight from here to Hargeysa, last time I went) and this is the thanks they get???

I truly hate ghetto Aussie kids.
The guy was lebo not somali
The guy was lebo not somali
I never said anything about the cultural identity of the attacker.
Awkward Mean Girls GIF
Why would a Muslim attack him? He's almost certainly a radical juice
He is confirmed Assyrian so not a Muslim. Just like the other day in shopping center stabbing, they assumed the attacker is a Muslim because of his Arab features.

There's no Assyrian Muslim and you can't be one of them due to cultural/historical reasons (they hate Muslims) but white Aussies won't know that.

The attacker speaks arabic?
plz tell me yall lying
Assyrians are multi-lingual speakers. They can speak Arabic for obvious reason.
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They’re just ghetto. Wannabes . People have it so unbelievably easy it’s almost a fuckup to be a hood rat here . I’m broke and the only way to secure a fund is get my 1,500 $ startup student loan or hit the mines ( or forklift warehouse ).
This is Australia where traffic cone workers earn more than $40 p/h and tradies earn close to what civil engineers earn in a year.

Work in the warehouse for $30+ p/h to save up and aim what you want to get it. Avoid loans when you can rack up thousands quickly (assuming you live with family).
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Forza Somalia!
He is confirmed Assyrian so not a Muslim. Just like the other day in shopping center stabbing, they assumed the attacker is a Muslim because of his Arab features.

There's no Assyrian Muslim and you can't be one of them due to cultural/historical reasons (they hate Muslims) but white Aussies won't know that.

Assyrians are multi-lingual speakers. They can speak Arabic for obvious reason.
What made you think he is Assyrian?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
this priest is not any kind of hero, I don't think he should be painted as an anti-Zionist and it just be ignored what he said about Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. I'm not going to mention what Imam Malik and Ibn Taymiyyah said about people who insult Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but I don't feel bad for him at all.


