Answers to Hadeeth Difficulties

Answers to Hadeeth Difficulties​

By Bassam Zawadi

- Addressing an Alleged Hadith Contradiction: Is Bartering Gold for Silver Conditional?

- Addressing an Alleged Hadith Contradiction: Was Fatimah b. Qais a Divorcee or a Widow?

- Addressing an Alleged Hadith Contradiction: Which Eye of the Dajjal Is Defective?

- Addressing an Alleged Hadith Contradiction: Which Was the Last Ayah to be Revealed?

- Addressing an Apparent Contradiction in the Islamic Sources: Was the Prophet Illiterate?

- Addressing an Apparent Contradiction: Will the Day of Judgment Fall upon Believers?

- Did the Prophet Hate Green and White Jars?

- Did the Prophet Kill a Man Who Posed No Threat?

- Did the Prophet Think That In-Laws Were Evil?

- Do the Ahaadith Condone Violence During Salah?

- Does Allah Laugh at the Misery of Others?

- Does the Hadith Corpus Degrade the Status of Prophet Musa?

- Does The Hadith, “The Dead Is Punished Because of the Lamentation of His Family” Contradict the Qur’an?

- Does the Moon Have It’s Own Source of Light?

- Explanation of a Hadith: A Woman Is an Adulteress for Arranging Her Own Marriage

- In Whose House Did the Prophet Drink the Honey?

- May a Muslim Initiate Greetings with non-Muslims or Not?

- Refuting the Argument: Scientific Error in Hadith of Snakes Causing Blindness and Miscarriages

- Refuting the Argument: The Hadeeth About Giving Greetings Three Times is Senseless

- Refuting the Argument: The Hadith about Forbidding Walking with One Shoe Is Senseless

- Regarding the Hadeeth about Losing Your Eyesight If You Look Up during Salah

- The Story of Prophet Musa Punching the Angel of Death

- Was Prophet Isa (‘alayhi assalam) Called "Red-Faced" in an Offensive Manner?

- Was the Prophet Unfair to the Matron in Comparison to the Virgin?

- Will the Sun Descend Down to Earth?
