Another Somali qualifies for Rio Olympics

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plus Abdi bille counts as rer waqoyi , heck even amharas inhabit the Northen horn region so you might aswell add them lol. T is also present in the rest of east Africa but in low frequencies ,some kenyan runners could possibly carry T.
Good for him but why is it always Somalis either running track or football

Id like to see a Somali pro boxer

There is a Somali Pro MMA figher .

UFC Beast!

Here is him beating the living shit out of this dude.

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"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
He has a Hawiye name :denzelnigga:natural fighter genes

Looool@He has a hawiye name...Damn right Tohohow ibnu Yalahaw is a quintessential Hirab name.:pachah1:
I put all the blame on meself lol, with the whole Dir shout out trying to impress what's her name and warabe doing his bit then the Dna crew started to categorize those poor athletes.

We could do with a footballer insha Allah, soon!
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