Another Siyad Barre Supporter Dies


Magaalada Melbourne ee dalka Australia waxaa ku geeriyooday Allaha u naxariiste Jenaraal Cismaan Maxamed Jeelle oo ka mid ahaa Golahii sare ee dowladdii dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya.

Marxuumka ayaa xilal badan oo ay ka mid ahayeen Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo Duqa Muqdisho kasoo qabtay dowladdii dhexe ee dalka oo uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Jaalle Maxamed Siyaad Barre.

Geerida marxuum Cismaan Jeelle ayaa waxaa ka tacsiyadeeyay siyaasiyiin badan oo caan ka ah Soomaaliya iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee shacabka Soomaaliyeed.

Alle ha u naxariistee marxuum Cismaan Jeelle ayaa dadka aqoonta u lahaa waxay sheegeen inuu ahaa shaqsi wanaagsan oo ay ku weyneyd Soomaalinimada iyo dowladd Jaceylka.

Horseed Media


My father is in your generation and I hope his kids remember they are in-direct investment from Siyad Barre govt. These ppl won't return to knowledge transfer to Somalia zoo in fear they gamble their legacy and be remembered for 'chaos'


@Calaami Knows Siyad Barre topic is the most divisive topic in PL and he tries to eliminate any discussion, not HAWIYE/Isaaq will only cause 100% unity due to their 'tarikh' and no legacy. Hadu siyad soo noqon laha, puntland labo aag bay uu farisan lahayeen again even hadu wato 'mashrucisa centralism iyo communism'
How he was Siyaad barre's supporter when he was among Iririya Officers(Isaaq and Hawadle) with the exception of mx Omar Haji massale who wrote to him Statement to safe the kacaan from his MOD qabyaalad in June 1982? Infact your uncle mohamed Abshir who was married to his cousin was spying on him and his "Iririya Isaaq Connections" since Jeele was married to Caasho Goosaar the Sister of Abdulqadir Goosaar former SMN chairman who was assassinated in Mustahil even Siyaad barre was telling our elders during Jidka ama Jeele rebellion "Anigu nin Isaaq ah baan xiray ee ma xirin nin Xawaadle ah"

Btw Jeele was the connection between Siyaad barre and the original 6 officers who who were behind the coup initiative they sent to him to Siyad barre who welcomed the idea according to his interview with Harun Maruf. Some stupid Abgaal General called Salaad Gabayre suggested to cooperate with then army commander siyaad barre who was scared of Mj to secure that the coup will not face resistance within the military inistitution.

Salaad gabeyre as abaanduulaha led the coup and arrested defence minister and halted the parliament session that was going to select Muuse boqor. Siyaad barre was under the watch of defence minster so he only supported the coup after his arrest and they elected him as their leader.
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How he was Siyaad barre's supporter when he was among Iririya Officers(Isaaq and Hawadle) with the exception of mx Omar Haji massale who wrote to him Statement to safe the kacaan from his MOD qabyaalad in June 1982? Infact your uncle mohamed Abshir who was married to his cousin was spying on him and his "Iririya Isaaq Connections" since Jeele was married to Caasho Goosaar the Sister of Abdulqadir Goosaar former SMN chairman who was assassinated in Mustahil even Siyaad barre was telling our elders during Jidka ama Jeele rebellion "Anigu nin Isaaq ah baan xiray ee ma xirin nin Xawaadle ah"

Btw Jeele was the connection between Siyaad barre and the original 6 officers who who were behind the coup initiative they sent to him to Siyad barre who welcomed the idea according to his interview with Harun Maruf. Some stupid Abgaal General called Salaad Gabayre suggested to cooperate with then army commander siyaad barre who was scared of Mj to secure that the coup will not face resistance within the military inistitution.

Salaad gabeyre as abaanduulaha led the coup and arrested defence minister and halted the parliament session that was going to select Muuse boqor. Siyaad barre was under the watch of defence minster so he only supported the coup after his arrest and they elected him as their leader.

How Siyad came to power and the details im not aware, I'll balance it against other people scenarios to reach the fact. But what I do know is it was BLOOD LESS coup, another 'feat' unheard of at the time. I did hear musa boqor was going to be elected after sharmarke assasination. Up to that point I hear various scenarios of the coup preparation.

Siyad Barre legacy is also undeniable when neutral observers witness education-military-manufacturing-infrastructure-human capital, this is something a neutral observor can see with their eyes. This is what I want our leaders should thrive to follow so the future can point to it and dismiss 'opposition', especially if the opposition replaced his system with a worse no system


@The Midlands when I say supporter he worked under the GOVT and had no stake in 91 war.

Many ppl did dodgy things under siyad govt post 78.

I don't reject lots were supporting rebel groups on the down-low, even SSDF. But the 'armed' opposition is different beast all together even if ppl played a funding role with their 'state check' from somalia and fuelling it against the govt they worked in.

That's a serious dembi and many do not participate in somalia post 91 over that. But wat we saw in 91 and the armed opposition who were themselves all siyad govt workers and wat they did when he left is a nitemare.


@The Midlands everyone was doing down-low shit on siyad govt state check on rebel groups, majority have not returned to somalia to make it worse or ruin their legacy further, but the rebel group the 'armed' ones have continued to stay there and cause trouble since 91, dalka kama 'farisan'. U cant compare ppl who said i did my dembi and never returned post siyad to those who continue on since 91