Another deportation, this time SSC-Khaatumo deports lander from Sweden


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Hartiweyne is on a roll this month. Walahi last half of 2023 taarikhdey galaysaa. 2 months of non-stop consecutive FKD nukes. My son will have multiple materials when he joins this forum in 9 years.

SSC people managed to deport a warmonger from Sweden.

Hartiweyne is on a roll this month. Walahi last half of 2023 taarikhdey galaysaa. 2 months of non-stop consecutive FKD nukes. My son will have multiple materials when he joins this forum in 9 years.

SSC people managed to deport a warmonger from Sweden.

Cabbas Madani who posts and says a much worse things than Waaridad on social media would be the primary target of HJ in Sweden Soomaalidii qurbaha joogtay waxay bilaabeen inay isku dacweeyaan KKK 😂 it's really over for Somalis 😂


Bantu Liberation Movement
The background is that this troll was hiding his face for 9 months and attacking SSC. The Swedes have revoked his citizenship due to immigration fraud. Now that he has been exposed, he is no longer hiding his face. There is a fear among Somalilanders that they will now be under scrutiny since the vast majority of them have claimed to be from south Somalia.



No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Good riddance. Report them all. Reppin their tuulo so hard on twitter but on immigration papers they claim Somalia.


Is all scam
He is trying to get some money from other Idoor
He never had any papers or passport from Sweden. He use to live in HOLLAND Netherland
Is all scam
He is trying to get some money from other Idoor
He never had any papers or passport from Sweden. He use to live in HOLLAND Netherland
If he says that the authorities revoked his citizenship or papers then it's true idk why would someone lie about it but the ramification that action has is much more concerning as HJ or isaaq in Europe will start going after Daarood social media figures then all somalis there will do the same against each other wallahi its over reer facebook or tiktok if we are going that low kk 😂 😂
If he says that the authorities revoked his citizenship or papers then it's true idk why would someone lie about it but the ramification that action has is much more concerning as HJ or isaaq in Europe will start going after Daarood social media figures then all somalis there will do the same against each other wallahi its over reer facebook or tiktok if we are going that low kk 😂 😂

Let this be a learning lesson. Before engaging in qabyaalad on social media, make sure that you got your papers in order 🤣


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
The background is that this troll was hiding his face for 9 months and attacking SSC. The Swedes have revoked his citizenship due to immigration fraud. Now that he has been exposed, he is no longer hiding his face. There is a fear among Somalilanders that they will now be under scrutiny since the vast majority of them have claimed to be from south Somalia.

There are so many somalilanders in Germany and Holland as well , they all claim to be from Koonfuur , luckily most Somalis are not rufiyaan and dont snitch.


Veni Vidi Vici
Somali version of cancel culture, but instead of employers knowing, its the Border Force:dead:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Well most of them don't claim to be Daarods from konfur but as a native reer Mogadishu or other minorities 😂
How ironic the blessed Duriyad claiming to be the accursed Wanlaweyn when abroad! Yaab!

