Ancient Samples currently at the Reich Lab


Look what I found.



Seems they have samples from Important areas that relate to our DNA. Southern Egypt and One sample on the red Sea, loads from Israel/Jordan, some ancient Arabian samples alongside Mesopotamia.


The map is cropped out so there could be more African Samples in the works.


I think they are preparing some big study in Egypt.

They have a lot of samples in close proximity, expect a paper soon.

I have a Suugo theory that Late Paleo and Mesolithic Egyptians were more Natufian-like and had a higher frequency of M1, N1, and U6 than those Hellenistic Egyptians.
I have a Suugo theory that Late Paleo and Mesolithic Egyptians were more Natufian-like and had a higher frequency of M1, N1, and U6 than those Hellenistic Egyptians.

I think that as well.

Hopefully, these results are published soon.

The Shum Laka paper alongside the Buur Heybe DNA plus some ancient North African DNA, we could be in for an interesting time for Somali genetics.