an Arab thought Somalis were more extreme. So a xalimo came to our defense

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Dhegecas lover why do you need to speak for them? Where is abu falafel to defend himself?

To be quite frank, I don't love Arabs, but I don't hate them either. The visceral hatred just makes you look like you have some serious cuqdad.


Were you raped by an Arab Mr fake Nationalist?
Nobody is sucking up to anyone it's that people are insulting people so they appear superior

Governmentiah al bootyclapiah
My ideology is based on ethnic pride and unity among somalis. Go suck arab as elsewhere .
Ethnic pride should be based on putting yourself up not putting other people down most Arab only talk about Somalia when they are making duaa for poor muslim countries they literally don't know you exist yet you keep talking about them
Your a fake nationalist who actually is harbouring serious self hate. Otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to force your fake superiority over others via insults.
I was a self hater before an arab wannabe like you and government but I grew past that and realised the truth these goat fuckers don't care about us. You are a slave to the muh ummah movement advertised by the arabs, they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.


The Islamic conquest in Iran.
@Apollo @samaalewarrior
Back me up on this.

You know you're one of my favourite Xalimos on this site but you're historically inaccurate about the Caliphate expansion. Islam was never spread by the sword, this is all gaal propaganda and let me educate you on this.

I've studied this so I know Islam never came by force. If you learn history, the Persians (Sasanian Empire) would constantly raid the Arabs and loot them when they were divided and when Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) united the Arabs. They would get threaten and invaded by the Sasaninites but eventually, the Arab Caliphate managed to make a peace treaty with them and forgave them but the Sasaninites would still backed stab and invaded them again. That's when the Caliphate had no chose but to defend themselves so they conquered Persia. Once they conquered Persia, Islam did not come to them by force. They just embraced Islam peacefully after being ruled by the Caliphate for couple hundreds of years.

North Africa was ruled by the imperial Catholics (Romans) and the Berbers and Coptics were asking the Arabs to liberate them so the Caliphate came and liberated the whole of North Africa and ruled North Africa under the protectorate of Caliphate against the imperial Byzantine Empire. Berbers and Coptics would eventually embrace Islam peacefully.

As for central Africa, the Turks were colonized by the Chinese from the Tang dynasty and the Muslims from Caliphate managed to liberate them and after ruling the Turks under the Caliphate protectorate, that's when Turks peacefully embraced Islam and when Muslims took over central Asia, they began controlling the silk trade and that's how Islam spread around the world after controlling the silk trade as the Chinese did before in central Asia which has all the routes of silk trade.

Another way Islam spread was through Indian Ocean trade and Indonesians which are the largest Muslims in the world became Muslims by trade. So historically, Islam was spread peacefully in both ways through trade and liberating.
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You know what I slept on it and came to the realisation that Islam has never been forced on anyone. All the historical accounts (including Arab ones are wrong), modern Muslims also don’t force Islam on anyone and everyone willingly chose to adopt a religion they could barely understand. There was no bribery, or threats...non-Arabs just heard the recitation of Islam and adopted it even when some of the prophets relatives wouldnt.
Bs theory. Allah opened the hearts of some persians to Islam, even though some of the Prophet's relatives chose to stay ignorant. Tbh, i think you are actually confused


Sippin tea in yo hood. PS IM A DUDE
God bless Arabs and the blessed land of Arabia. Allah blessed Arab lands with wealth, while madows are enslaved till today.
Who is lying? Islam has not been enforced on anyone. The terrorists who force ppl are western affiliated anyway. You think the western superpowers haven't been enforcing their religion and rule on ppl? They are still expasionists who yechnically conquer and take resources. This is happening TODAY. Why not speak out ahainst them? You want to criticize empired that existed over a thousand years ago, when worse is happening right now? You are totally brainwashed naya
Be realistic, Islam has definitely been forced upon people. I'm not gonna bullshit and say everyone became muslims willingly.
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