Amidst the Carnage, Somali Parliament Passes Contentious Electoral Law

This Bill was pushed and won by the HAG MPS, the bill states that from now when a President is chosen by the Parliament the PM will be chosen not by President as it is now but by the Top Main Parties like Wadani, Daljir, Himilo, UPD, Wadajir and so on which are all HAG Parties.

This is a big win for reer Mogadishu.

This Bill was pushed and won by the HAG MPS, the bill states that from now when a President is chosen by the Parliament the PM will be chosen not by President as it is now but by the Top Main Parties like Wadani, Daljir, Himilo, UPD, Wadajir and so on which are all HAG Parties.

This is a big win for reer Mogadishu.

how can parties choose a prime minister, should it not be the senate or lower house or both?

you do know this will not be accepted and will just lead to more fracture right?

no party should have more power than the senate and lower house,

what if the party doesn't have any MPs? will they still be allowed to pick the PM?

if the president says no?