Am a 25 years old career man. my parents are talking of disowning me because i have decided to move out

Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllll.........come closer

Who YOU lie-ing to??

huh? View attachment 169633

We know u iz NOT a 'man" you is a CAPITAL Xaliimo!!!


If my 18 year son decides to move out i will be happy and ecstatic. He is being a man! !!!!

If my 18 year old or 25 year old daughter decided to move out before marriage?

View attachment 169634

I'm Habarringg cause she trying to be a Woman. and thats not the same thing, if you know what the bedroom i mean!
Take your damn meds fam


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Take your damn meds fam


Move out. Your parents won't habar you if they really love you. Plus they seem overbearing.

And once you do move, still make an effort to visit and help pay the bills once in awhile.

The people giving you advice to stay are mostly women and weak dependent soyboys who cannot fathom being alone and independent.

"Move out when its time to get married!" = Go from your hooyos leash to your wife's leash.

Do not let other people control your life. As long as you're doing everything in a halal matter then you should be alright.
Move out. Your parents won't habar you if they really love you. Plus they seem overbearing.

And once you do move, still make an effort to visit and help pay the bills once in awhile.

The people giving you advice to stay are mostly women and weak dependent soyboys who cannot fathom being alone and independent.

"Move out when its time to get married!" = Go from your hooyos leash to your wife's leash.

Do not let other people control your life. As long as you're doing everything in a halal matter then you should be alright.
We've caught the casi walideyn:susp::camby:
Do you have the means to take care of yourself? Then just do it, you can always apologize later. A normal mother will never hold a grudge against her children. Just don't become a degenerate.


Kick in the door wavin the .44
I cannot believe that people are suggesting marriage as an option for leaving home. No wonder there’s so many rushed marriages and high divorce rates.

Repeat after me, getting married is not pretext to leaving home. It’s a life long commitment.

If you wanna move out. Then just move. It’s a lot easier than dragging a whole other person and even children into your mess.
Live with them dont move out.

If you want responsibility take charge of some of the roles in the house like paying bills,shopping etc

Pay Umrah for your parents.
Imagine a grown 25 year old man not being able to live alone and be independent

20s must be the new teens
What do you mean?
When you live with your parents you save and also get their blessings.

Learn from Asians they not only live with their parents but also their spouse lives with his parents.

Cadaan culture of living alone like a tahribi or fob.


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