Always listen to Hooyo! High-Profile Divorce Case.

When those women are divorced, widowed or husband is Ill and cannot provide, are you going to provide for them? No. Funnily enough the men in a woman’s family would most definitely advice their daughters to have money put aside, but a man who couldn’t careless about your well-being and isn’t going to be there to pick up the pieces will talk the way you do.

Yes we do, which is why mature people have saving accounts which I’m sure you do as well. Not a very smart way of thinking is it? I’m sure you’ll tell your sons to save for a rainy day lol. People that don’t save or have different streams of income are one pay check away from homelessness. My abo taught me that? What did your dad teach you?

Nope, he married women older than him, same age as him, slightly younger and also much younger. Would you advice a man to marry a woman 15 yrs older? Well the Prophet s.a.w did and I’m sure you wouldn’t see a woman who is 40+ as ideal. So don’t try and twist the deen and Incorporate it to your redpill shaytan cult.

But guess what, in the same breath, college educated women are much more likely to get married, their husbands much less likely to file and tend to have lower divorce rates overall. I can show you the data if you want. So there goes your whole argument right?

Everyone hoardes money, we save, you save. You as a man can die, can become disabled, ill and the list goes on. Which is parents will tell their daughters to make sure their financially secure. So you’re right, don’t listen to random people, listen to your mum and dad. That is what I did. Abo knows best.

A woman can do what she wants with her own money, whether she hoards it or makes it rain on herself, that's none of your concern.

According to Islam a woman's money is hers and hers alone to spend as she sees fit. So whether she calls it a "rainy day fund", "splurging fund" or "none of ya business fund", that's her business.

What I would like to know, is why two grown men care about a woman's money. Worry about what your duties are in Islam.
instead of creating these hateful narratives, why not choose men that allow you to enter your feminine frame.

Men that help you to be the pretty little princesses you know you’re, so you can focus on the important things in life.

Like keeping your house tidy, your hair, nails and skin pretty. And raising your children and supporting your man.

i wouldn't call it hoarding if its for the family at the end of the day but i do agree there is a lot of fear mongering going on and women tend to go into all this in a very combative manner with divorce at the back of there mind constantly (not all but most especially from Muslim backgrounds). everything seems to be aimed at post marriage as if its the actual real goal instead of getting married with most advice women give to each other when it comes to marriage.

i guess its comes down to generational trauma they get from the older generations who had different struggles and circumstances but the issue is our circumstances and problems are different to theirs yet the same "solutions" and approaches are being employed as if we are those same men with in the same circumstances.

the dynamic between men and women has vastly changed aswell but both still want the same things. before women couldn't raise themselves and get an education so for the most part besides what family they were from most guys qualified now that women can raise there standing the higher they go the less men they generally tend to be interested in settling with. plus if they feel there smarted then a guy they will lose interest since a guy needs to be intellectually stimulating to a woman so the more smarter she is the faster she will lose interest if he isn't smart or educated at least to her level and in general education is one way of getting smart but you don't have to be book smart to be smart.

but anyways that probably the reason for the 90% divorce stat from college educated women but that also mainly based on western gaal women its probably very different for Somalis

you wasted a lot of energy on a false argument bro, this is not about money.

it’s about women being dissatisfied with the feminine men, modern society has to offer them.

I complete understand and sympathies with predicament, but instead of being honest about it. They’re creating a non existent issues while promoting divorce, under the guise of financial freedom.

if they find their way to the truth they will surely have me as an ally, since I support female rights and needs.
instead of creating these hateful narratives, why not choose men that allow you to enter your feminine frame.

Men that you to be the pretty little princesses you know you’re, so you can focus on the important things in life.

Like keeping your house tidy, your hair, nails and skin pretty. And raising your children and supporting your man.

you wasted a lot of energy on a false argument bro, this is not about money.

it’s about women being dissatisfied with the feminine men, modern society has to offer them.

I complete understand and sympathies with predicament, but instead of being honest about it. They’re creating a non existent issues while promoting divorce, under the guise of financial freedom.

if they find their way to the truth they will surely have me as an ally, since I support female rights and needs.

There is nothing hateful about telling women to practice their Islamic rights.
If you have a problem with that, find a woman that is not Muslim.

