"AlShabab" operative brags about killing Farmaajo opponents in Puntland

Here is a video of the man who killed the Anti-Shabaab, Anti-Farmaajo journalist Jamaal in Gaalkacyo. He openly brags about killing Farmaajo's opponents in Gaalkacyo and he has been caught and sentenced already.

Time and time again we told people that AlShabab and Farmaajo are one and the same and they use 'AlShabab' as a cover.

"Farmaajo is a prophet sent to us"- a typical saying by Farmaajo's deranged fans.

Screenshot 2022-02-15 at 13.51.17.png

He even said he choked his own grandmother with a belt for not being a Farmaajo worshipper.

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Farmaajo iyo Denni waa dhashii kacaanka soo koriyay oo garasho iyo xal aan ahayn dil, hanjabaad, iyo caburin aqoon, wixii puntland's found fathers ka dagaalmeen siyaad bare-na ku rideen denni cid ka yeeli mayso, ee spare us with the constant propaganda /Bs eedo
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I 100% prefer a regular corrupt politician over a Kacaanist politician as Kacaanists are not content with stealing and killing, they also brainwash their worshippers to do anything for them. Kulaha 'Farmaajo waa rasuul na loo soo diray'.
How can you call Farmaajo a prophet and call yourself a muslim, that's the biggest shirk ever.. I hope we get rid of Farmaajo soon, he has been in office for too long and without any results of improvement to show.


Farmaajo iyo Denni waa dhashii kacaanka soo koriyay oo garasho iyo xal aan ahayn dil, hanjabaad, iyo caburin aqoon, wixii puntland's found fathers ka dagaalmeen siyaad bare-na ku rideen denni cid ka yeeli mayso, ee spare us with the constant propaganda /Bs eedo

constant propaganda kulaha ado been cad laso shir tagay iska amuus ibnu xaraan yahay🀫
Here is the "Alshabab" operative caught last year, surprise, surprise! Also a Farmaajo fanboy

Correction- these FB posts show not one, but THREE AlShabab operatives who were Farmaajo fanboys.

At some point, Puntland security agencies need to start watching all Farmaajo fanboys because we can safely suspect they are terror cells waiting for instruction.

Wallahi these ppl are sick . How they going to call a man a rasuul smh .
All these N&N fanboys/girls got one thing in common they all worship farmajo and call him rasuul.

I'm more baffled at the farmajo supporters who are muslims but clap for these disgusting ppl who say these things.
@Pwyneth Galtrow
Ninka Puntland jooga Farmajo taageeraa Xabsi hala dhigo Inta uusan Wax leen dadka yaan lagu sii deen waa iga talo,

Hadiii kale waa la idinka Adeegan wlhi

Farmaajo fanboys are sociopathic degenerates and they all need to go on watchlists. Look how happy they look after killing for their "Rasuul".

What’s up with an increase of soccer players in Galkacyo being uncovered as Shabab. I think most of these guys are killing for the money because you won’t get far in a country where everyone thinks he’s Ronaldhino lool

What’s up with an increase of soccer players in Galkacyo being uncovered as Shabab. I think most of these guys are killing for the money because you won’t get far in a country where everyone thinks he’s Ronaldhino lool

These animals were paid 50 dollars to kill the journalist. It is for money but I also think they are brainwashed N&N cultists.