alshabab gets stronger in cursed somalia, back to square one

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Alshabab is controling many cities in shabeellaha hoose, and just todat they retake Ceelbuur.

Xoogagga Al-shabaab oo la wareegay gacan ku heynta degmada Ceelbuur


Isniin, April, 03, 2017 (HOL) – Xoogagga Al-shabaab ayaa la wareegay gacan ku heynta degmada Ceelbuur ee Gobolka Galgaduud, kaddib markii ay isaga baxeen Ciidamada Itoobiya.

Sida ay sheegayaan wararka Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa saaka isaga baxay degmada, iyagoo u ruuqaansaday dhinaca degmada Dhuusa Mareeb ee xarunta Galgaduud.

Guddoomiyaha degmada Ceelbuur Nuur Xasan Guutaale ayaa sheegay in ay halka isaga baxeen ciidamada Itoobiya oo maalmihii ugu danbeeyayba deegaanka ka wadday dhaqdhaqaaqyo militari.

Dagaalyahanada Al-Shabaab oo ku sugnaa meelaha aan sidaa uga fogeyn Ceelbuur ayaa gudaha u soo galay, waxaana degan xaalada degmada.

Sadax sanno ka hor ayeey aheyd markii ciidamada Itoobiya la wareegeen degmada Ceelbuur, oo ah degmo istiraatiiji ah, kana mid aheyd degmooyinkii ay ku xoogganaayeen Al-Shabaab.

Ugu danbeyntii, Ceelbuur ayaa ka mid ah degmooyinka ugu qadiimisan gobolka Galguduud, waxaana ay caan ku tahay wax soo saarka agabka laga qoro dhagxaanta.

C/raxmaan Diini, Hiiraan Online

its a cursed land. thats for sure.
if farmaajo & kheyre does nothing after 12 months(giving no salary to soldiers, restarting the operations against alshabab), then i will disassociate myself from him. because they will be just like qoslaaye and fatboy cumar.
People join al Shabaab because they hate forgeiners there is no Islamic element to them if AMISOM gets out shabaab supporters will turn to Farmajoo


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Hawiye and D&M simply do not have the clan cohesion necessary to defeat a group like Alshabab that preys upon the insecurities of smaller subclans. The smaller subclans in H8awiye and D&M are more than willing to use Alshabab against their bigger rivals.

Murusade and Duduble fear Abgaal and HG
Leysaan and Dabarre fear Eelay and Hadame

Fear of being dominated drives their alliance with Alshabab, none of these clans actually believe Alshabab offers any hope at all. Very Sad and depressing fact.
Hawiye and D&M simply do not have the clan cohesion necessary to defeat a group like Alshabab that preys upon the insecurities of smaller subclans. The smaller subclans in H8awiye and D&M are more than willing to use Alshabab against their bigger rivals.

Murusade and Duduble fear Abgaal and HG
Leysaan and Dabarre fear Eelay and Hadame

Fear of being dominated drives their alliance with Alshabab, none of these clans actually believe Alshabab offers any hope at all. Very Sad and depressing fact.
Murursade got the PM it was always HG and Abgaal colliding politicly with murusade and hawadle backing ABgaal
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