All The Anti Siyad Barre Crowd Will Cry Watching This


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
U r not free nacas ur leaders cannot make any decision, nag new york jogto ayaa go'an uu gaadhto dhulka, ur just living on the land, go'an kuma lihid, ur under chapter 7 status. U must be arrested and all kacandiid
Bidhe @DR OSMAN kabaqadki ku dhale w@s 😂 ur father and afweyne were puppet of Karl Marxist and Lennon


Bidhe @DR OSMAN kabaqadki ku dhale w@s 😂 ur father and afweyne were puppet of Karl Marxist and Lennon

Waxaa Miska Saaran dadkaga iyo dhulkaga in NEW YORK not Garowe.


Nacas bidoodki ku dhalay was u think gumaysi is only military occupation? political gumaysi ayaad ku jirta becuz u r kacaandiid


@Libaax-Joore U had the best period under ur kingdoms in Majerteniya/Hobyo it was definitely stronger then Zanzibar kkk who lost in 38 minutes to british. Our war continued for years with italy-eritrean-somali on-land war with coastal attacks with submarine. They wouldn't go to such extent if it was a weak kingdom. @killerxsmoke dhegaha furo nacas yahow.

The Gulf maba dagalamin kkkkk so it must of been weaker. Amhara did tho and won.

The sultan u reported to in hamar to kismayo was bargash he got whooped in 38 minutes by british kkkkkk


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore U had the best period under ur kingdoms in Majerteniya/Hobyo it was definitely stronger then Zanzibar kkk who lost in 38 minutes to british. Our war continued for years with italy-eritrean-somali on-land war with coastal attacks with submarine. They wouldn't go to such extent if it was a weak kingdom. @killerxsmoke dhegaha furo nacas yahow.

The sultan u reported to in hamar to kismayo was bargash he got whooped in 38 minutes by british kkkkkk
Ditoore regardless of ur kabaqad culture u still my in adeer 🙏🏽


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore U had the best period under ur kingdoms in Majerteniya/Hobyo it was definitely stronger then Zanzibar kkk who lost in 38 minutes to british. Our war continued for years with italy-eritrean-somali on-land war with coastal attacks with submarine. They wouldn't go to such extent if it was a weak kingdom. @killerxsmoke dhegaha furo nacas yahow.

The Gulf maba dagalamin kkkkk so it must of been weaker. Amhara did tho and won.

The sultan u reported to in hamar to kismayo was bargash he got whooped in 38 minutes by british kkkkkk
I have been the best of my time because today muse sultan land is in my hand


I put Books to the Test of Life
I rather live free and poor than to be under gaal dictator afweyne

Alhamdulilah look what am building in my land today
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He performed Hajj and Umrah and died as a Muslim. The individuals he detained, who claimed to be sheikhs, turned out to be agents of Ethiopia. When he questioned them about performing ablution (wudu), they couldn't do it correctly. He possessed an entire interview script where he detailed how these people exploited religion to incite rebellion. In his view, they were nothing more than hypocrites (munafiks) and rebels (khawaraji).

upon the Quran and Sunnah and ways of Salaf, anyone attempting to revolt or overthrow a ruler was akin to the Khawarij and destined for the depths of hell. Those rebels caused more harm than good, leading to the senseless shedding of innocent blood over three decades. That's why the Prophet's teachings, forbidding any form of revolt, even if a ruler mistreats you, strikes your back, or seizes your wealth, especially if the ruler deviates from the true path of the Sunnah.
Somalia was stable but still broke and poor during his reign. Hence him begging IMF and the west post 70s. He was also unnecessarily brutal and only knew how to double down with xoog. Knowing the volatile nature of many somalis it became his downfall.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
He performed Hajj and Umrah and died as a Muslim. The individuals he detained, who claimed to be sheikhs, turned out to be agents of Ethiopia. When he questioned them about performing ablution (wudu), they couldn't do it correctly. He possessed an entire interview script where he detailed how these people exploited religion to incite rebellion. In his view, they were nothing more than hypocrites (munafiks) and rebels (khawaraji).

upon the Quran and Sunnah and ways of Salaf, anyone attempting to revolt or overthrow a ruler was akin to the Khawarij and destined for the depths of hell. Those rebels caused more harm than good, leading to the senseless shedding of innocent blood over three decades. That's why the Prophet's teachings, forbidding any form of revolt, even if a ruler mistreats you, strikes your back, or seizes your wealth, especially if the ruler deviates from the true path of the Sunnah.
All heil mohamed farah aided for chasing murtad afweyne
If Siad Barre had remained in power, Somalia would now be better off than the Gulf nations. The SNM attempted to remove him in the 1970s and was financed by Britain and Ethiopia. They are khawaraji, and revolting is against the deen and it resulted in a 30-year civil war that destroyed Somalia.
If the Kacan regime existed now rest assured Garrowe would have remained the same small tuulo it was 20 years with little development as everything would go to Xamar and the pockets of the dictator's family and SNM did great of bringing that regime down regardless of what you think

SNM baa Guul Leh, Geerina Afweyna leh”✊


If Siad Barre had remained in power, Somalia would now be better off than the Gulf nations. The SNM attempted to remove him in the 1970s and was financed by Britain and Ethiopia. They are khawaraji, and revolting is against the deen and it resulted in a 30-year civil war that destroyed Somalia.
The guy was in power for 2 decades the economy only increased by 200 million 💀, the guy was useless as hell.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He wasn't perfect, he had his flaws like all leaders but this sort of crap wouldn't have happened. What we got after him totally exonerates him from all charges. U just cant argue and say he was bad then put us in 30 year hell that is much worse with absolute national disgrace globally.

Walaal you can’t go from paradise to hell in a single year. We were already in process of becoming a hell. That’s why the likes of your father and Farmaajo, when they got a chance to go abroad they never returned.
What the ditoore is prescribing is a hard pill to swallow for many afflicted. Ask yourselves, is Libya or Syria better off today. We as a nation have no sharaf and are reduced to a begging bowl. Whole government run on deeq and fight over scraps.

