im convinced now that it will be huge disaster if middle Shabelle gets liberated without new good administration. we have now Suulharti infighting, Galmaax infighting in the liberated area and more isbaaro.
meantime beesha dhexe Hiiraan is thriving after the liberation in an area bigger than the whole middle Shabalelle with no single isbaaro
Typical langaab faan iyo buuto.
Langaab xawaadle have literally been twerking in the two same spots in Hiiraan for full 6 months, the same spots that were liberated by Abgaal soliders based in Hiiraan under Guutada 5aad.
Biyo Cadde, which is a town much bigger than Maxas and Mokoqori, was liberated by Abgaal macawiisleey, and it literally received zero media attention. That should tell you us abgaal ain't with that faan iyo buuto.
Just a quick side note: I know this langaab did NOT just make a whole thread based on the words of the deranged Cali Yare, aka Mr. Jeeb Kujire - PATHETIC.
With all their faan iyo buuto, I can wallahi say Middle Shabelle will be 100% liberated before Hiiraan, and that's a fact you can take to the bank.
I would even go as far as to say that what's currently happening in Middle Shabelle is healthy, believe it or not. Because it's all coming out in the open, the isbaaro issues along with the interclan warfare that comes with it.
The first step to dealing with any issue is an acknowledgement of the issue, which Beesha Abgaal has done. All parties within our clan structure, from top to bottom, want to see these issues resolved once and for all.