Ali Mahdi My Personal Hero Deserved A National Burial


He says He stole public assets at 19:05 mark and at the 22:17 Mark he admits 'yey' gave him 100k which he re-invested and compounded to millions in hormud

Remember 'YEY' didn't care for Money, he is from my town in 'birta dheer' which is 60 KM south of Garowe and a little north of Burtinle. YEY wanted to restore his legacy in Somalia and not be remembered for 'leading the clan rebellion and putting somalis into 30 year dark age'. Wa nin la fahmi weeye. Just like u don't understand me. It's birta thing

YEY isn't like Isaaq our people stamped that 'ssdf' shit out of him and told him the reality 'any evil govt no matter how evil u call it and u can list all its evil till akhiro' is always better then 30 year chaos and no govt. Abdillahi Yusuf has been recorded many times saying he REGRETS the SSDF role in sending Somalia into a zoo.

Anyways all them HAG millionaires started like that in hamar thru 'yey' money which he could've done for himself but he is one of US 'birta boys' who have vastly different brain to many somalis.

So that's why Im saying give Ali Mahdi his XAQ of a national burial. Birta boys believe at the end of your rule, you list your mistakes to the people so they can have lessons learned for future. Wa tarikh la dhaxli karo. We know Ali Mahdi made mistakes ileen decisions come with support or opposition and it's better then no decision or idleness.

Birta Boys hate Idlness iyo in layska fadhiyo and make no moves. With moves come success/failure which leads to lessons learned if mistakes or rejoice if its successful and example somalis can use in their 'template' of super effectiveness strategy.
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Isku dhaqan iyo maskax manahin @Libaax-Joore birta boys vs Somalis. But u can see our legacy in hamar today enuff said. I will also do my own personal 'dua' for siyad grave in abudwaq and saying you 'deserved' your national burial 'la fahmi weeye' isaguna u left wanaag/khasaaro but it was helluva alot better then opposition 30 year dark age who noone will honor and respect. Maxa laga baran kara jabhaduhu wax legacy ah xataa ma reebin just khasaaro, u cant even balance their shit except see 30 year dark age. The only hikmad they left is 'never oppose a govt for opposition sake only'


I will also attend sharif burial who knew when ur out of depth to be talo rac for ur PM is the hikmad I got from him. I don't know what his 'mistakes' will be when he speaks or writes a book so people can learn from it.

HSM will we wait n see his book(oops hawiye dont write books) but we will wait n see HSM legacy. The only benefit I see so far is the wisdom 'hsm ba dhaanta bahalo galeentu kale meesha wada fadhiyo hadi fursad heli lahayeen wud be worse then HSM'. So the logic is 'their all bad but his lesser evil'. Wa wax la gartay
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Hawiye 90% are like ali mahdi 'xaa cuna' abdillahi had to do same with all their warlords and give money to sit down and let him do his legacy work so kids can be taught a different history about him. Xaa cuna mind comes when u dont have aragti ama vision ama philosophy iyo siyasad aad ku gowracan tahay ma garatay? u just want talo lakin talo waxyaabo ba kaa horeeyo oo muhim ah 'philosophy'


@Libaax-Joore I know u want to do this to me.

Angry Hate GIF

Im like 'yey' who was misunderstood in his time by his peers, aniguna ima fahmaysid ileen waa dhaqan birtaa dheer lakin carurtada ayaa naa husi doonto like all somali kids will remember yey. Same with Siyad 'la fahmi weeye', birta love siyad barre cuz it's birta dheer thing how we 'think' about state n leadership and legacy oo 'lagaa dhaxli karo'

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
It will be an interesting day to see the funeral of modern presidents like Faarmajo, HSM and Sheikh Sharif. :damedamn:

They should've went back and done a proper burial for Siyaad AUN. 31 Gun Salute and Final Farewells from his 'Jalles' who stood with him to the end and are still here today. Then they left of a framed map of Somaliweyne on his gravestone as that was his 'ultimate dream'.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@Libaax-Joore I know u want to do this to me.

Angry Hate GIF

Im like 'yey' who was misunderstood in his time by his peers, aniguna ima fahmaysid ileen waa dhaqan birtaa dheer lakin carurtada ayaa naa husi doonto like all somali kids will remember yey. Same with Siyad 'la fahmi weeye', birta love siyad barre cuz it's birta dheer thing how we 'think' about state n leadership and legacy oo 'lagaa dhaxli karo'
Birta dheere is reer tolkey reer yoonis mohamed ugaar 🙏🏽


Birta dheere is reer tolkey reer yoonis mohamed ugaar 🙏🏽

Reer yoonis kkkkk u don't know shit about garowe and how majority were osman mahmoud like galkacyo. Abokor issa live towards EYL waryaa. Birta is an exclusive bah dubays historical degan, we bring reer yonis to spread our 'clan ties' and for other long term reasons which I wont go into


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
He says He stole public assets at 19:05 mark and at the 22:17 Mark he admits 'yey' gave him 100k which he re-invested and compounded to millions in hormud

Remember 'YEY' didn't care for Money, he is from my town in 'birta dheer' which is 60 KM south of Garowe and a little north of Burtinle. YEY wanted to restore his legacy in Somalia and not be remembered for 'leading the clan rebellion and putting somalis into 30 year dark age'. Wa nin la fahmi weeye. Just like u don't understand me. It's birta thing

YEY isn't like Isaaq our people stamped that 'ssdf' shit out of him and told him the reality 'any evil govt no matter how evil u call it and u can list all its evil till akhiro' is always better then 30 year chaos and no govt. Abdillahi Yusuf has been recorded many times saying he REGRETS the SSDF role in sending Somalia into a zoo.

Anyways all them HAG millionaires started like that in hamar thru 'yey' money which he could've done for himself but he is one of US 'birta boys' who have vastly different brain to many somalis.

So that's why Im saying give Ali Mahdi his XAQ of a national burial. Birta boys believe at the end of your rule, you list your mistakes to the people so they can have lessons learned for future. Wa tarikh la dhaxli karo. We know Ali Mahdi made mistakes ileen decisions come with support or opposition and it's better then no decision or idleness.

Birta Boys hate Idlness iyo in layska fadhiyo and make no moves. With moves come success/failure which leads to lessons learned if mistakes or rejoice if its successful and example somalis can use in their 'template' of super effectiveness strategy.
Fake news imagination ayad ku noshahay


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Reer yoonis kkkkk u don't know shit about garowe and how majority were osman mahmoud like galkacyo. Abokor issa live towards EYL waryaa. Birta is an exclusive bah dubays historical degan, we bring reer yonis to spread our 'clan ties' and for other long term reasons which I wont go into
Awoowegey ba geel Lahan jireey aniga manta dameer leh ba danto 😂 baqti ditoore stop living in the past 😂 today garowe and birta dhere is cisse ruush country 🙏🏽🇸🇱


AUN mudane Cali Mahdi Maxamed.

He got a state funeral unlike the Ethiopian dog Beerlaawe.

He didn't really do anything in Somalia don't get me wrong 'aragti' ma jirin baan gaba like 90% of hawiye, they want 'talo' only lakin ma jiro 'aragti' ay ku socoto that talo to make people begin 'siyasad' dhab ah,, so that's why 90% are xaa cun and the smaller amount are 'dadka tashday aan burburino ileen anagu ma tashan mentality' weeye.

Lakin runti wa halyey tv horyimi oo runta dadka uu sheegay si loo cafiyo, he is forgiven, halyey, plus we also 'dhaxal' knowledge from his mistakes so it doesn't become 'mid soo noqnoqdo' every president


@Rationale Somalis don't list their mistakes or clan which is impossible as only god can be perfect which discredits them from other somalis and neutral observors that u have no 'negatives' is impossible. Ali Mahdi said 'i did this n that' it was wrong and I made amends, so he is telling us not to follow n repeat his mistake. Where-as other Somalis dont list their mistakes even tho most are even WORSE, alla maxaa akhiro sugayso plus that strategy makes them look ILLOGICAL to the world


Bantu Liberation Movement
He dumped toxic nuclear waste in Abgaal land in exchange for AK47s to fight HG. For that alone, he needs to be commended.


Horgaal baqti ditoore @DR OSMAN watch this video

Waryaa stooge 4 hire is in all clans, when issa is in power, HSM will find your opposition to do igu sawir 'jambal' amni xumo. Horgaal qaran baan ahaa like morgan, U see how morgan walks like landheer, im not horgaal hawiye not till we saw HG refuse dawlad hg, and refuse sharif. So we know all qabil that lead they will reject. Adigu lakinse horgaal 30 sano burbur keenay ba tahay, u will be judged


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Waryaa stooge 4 hire is in all clans, when issa is in power, HSM will find your opposition to do igu sawir 'jambal' amni xumo. Horgaal qaran baan ahaa like morgan, U see how morgan walks like landheer, im not horgaal hawiye not till we saw HG refuse dawlad hg, and refuse sharif. So we know all qabil that lead they will reject. Adigu lakinse horgaal 30 sano burbur keenay ba tahay, u will be judged
Laandhere muse sultan I never been stooge or horgaal like ur father was to afweyne 🤡


Ali mahdi was a tuug that confessed to stealing money from somali central bank.

A tuug that got the Italians to dump nuclear waste on somali shores. A tuug that was a warlord at the age of 80.