Ali Geedi supports the amendments & completion of the constitution by HSM govt




President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo said that the constitution cannot be completed while Puntland and Somaliland are absent.

Puntland and Somaliland are not absent, the representatives who represented the two houses of parliament are sitting and working; They are also part of the cabinet that sets the national policy. Mr. Sharif and Mr. Farmajo are talking to members of both houses of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, and at the same time they are disrespecting and ignoring the fact that the MPs and senators represent the people and the Somali states. First of all, I advise the two presidents, they are parliamentarians, to take their ideas and views to the parliament. On the other hand, politics is representation, and the leaders of the states have elected our people as the political representatives of the national councils and they have the right to amend the constitution. The rest of us politicians or other intellectuals can add suggestions, but the decision belongs to the parliament.

Amendments to the TFG Federal Charter:

1) The provisional federal constitution of the 7th parliament changed the clause that limited the members of the cabinet to be appointed from within the parliament, after the proposal of the three thousand (3,000) delegate conference for the reconciliation of civil society, Mogadishu 2007 and chaired by AUN President Ali Mahdi Mohamed. That decision was approved and it was passed that ministers with knowledge and experience who are not members of parliament can be appointed.

2) In 2012, when the government was removed from the transitional government, MW Sharif's government and the delegates of the 825 members of the congress changed the government's term of office of 5 years written in the Transitional Federal Charter, and changed it to a term of 4 years. That decision was not useful and it reduced the period of service to the Somali people; because the 1st year ends with government building to a new government, transfer of positions and for the new administration to adapt to the work system and related activities at home and abroad; and the next year is followed by an election campaign.

So, shouldn't the 5-year term be changed to serve the community for three (3) years? Where it is shortened to two (2) years?

3) Amendment of the constitution is a duty of national work on members of both chambers of the 11th Parliament; while the opposition of the politicians led by the two former presidents Sharif and Farmajo is paralyzing the interests of the Somali nation and its future generations. No one is responsible for the work that I did not do or neglected, let no one else do it. It is unfortunate that after 17 years, the constitution has not been completed as we all know that every presidential candidate campaigned "if elected, I will complete the constitution". Was this promise made as a ladder to climb the seat of the country's government and then throw it away?

If President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud fulfilled the promise of his election campaign, will the legs be taken?

Therefore, the Somali people know your interest and support the parliament in fulfilling its constitutional duty, protecting your interest and the nationalism of Somalis as a whole.

The first time I've ever agreed with the former PM on anything. He has seen the light!

Sharif iyo farmaajo wax ee soo kordhinayaan malahan! :ummhmm: