Al shabab attacks Ethiopian convoy

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
again similar to SNA why do these armies quickly fall apart with every shabaab attack
IED Attack - Confusion Panic

AS attack - separate the Ethiopians soldiers into pockets and finish them off pocket by pocket

Khat and Drugs make the AS terrorists feel invincible so they basically just charge at the itoobiyans who shit themselves and eventually lose morale and hope. Its why when you have something to fight for you'll defend it till your last breath but these itoobiyan have nothing to show for in these land and thus are already demoralised.
IED Attack - Confusion Panic

AS attack - separate the Ethiopians soldiers into pockets and finish them off pocket by pocket

Khat and Drugs make the AS terrorists feel invincible so they basically just charge at the itoobiyans who shit themselves and eventually lose morale and hope. Its why when you have something to fight for you'll defend it till your last breath but these itoobiyan have nothing to show for in these land and thus are already demoralised.
so at the end of the day defeating kebab comes down to how patriotic and un afraid of death a sna unit is

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
so at the end of the day defeating kebab comes down to how patriotic and un afraid of death a sna unit is
SNA no doubt has the capacity to defeat AS, in a pitched battle they {AS} lose 95% of the time but AS wait until there is confusion and inter fighting in the SNA to counter attack, they watch the political scene way closer than the millitary scene because the second there is a rift in the millitary - political apparatus of Somalia they strike.
again similar to SNA why do these armies quickly fall apart with every shabaab attack

AS takes their fights like they're playing a BR game. Ambush, create chaos, separate the squad and then finish them off. Always holding the advantage.

high ground GIF
AS takes their fights like they're playing a BR game. Ambush, create chaos, separate the squad and then finish them off. Always holding the advantage.

high ground GIF
this aint nothing new and they were thought by al qaeda. The trick to beat this is to have moles amongst them and lure them with fake convoys and supply depots and masscare them, theyll eventually stop ambushing.


We need to really sit down and think about how we can defeat AS. These guys are pretty advanced.


They are very mobile and that allows them to commit these attacks. If there was a SNA platoon designed to mimic this then we could make them run. The issue is that the SNA are focus on holding for too long and that makes the sitting ducks. We should blitzkrieg into their land on multiple fronts and keep them on the backfoot.
Full video. It was a massacre to the Ethiopians😬
They really do have slick production design for their videos which helps their propoganda.

In the video they are trying to appeal to Somali people by talking about how Ethiopia and other foreign forces are trying to annex Somalia, which is to be fair true but ironic because shabaab themselves have relation with foreign entities trying to take over Somalia and foreign fighters killing Somalis.

The goverment really need to up their propaganda game too, they should produce videos showing shabaab crimes and how they collude with Non-Somali actors to kill and destory Somalia.
They really do have slick production design for their videos which helps their propoganda.

In the video they are trying to appeal to Somali people by talking about how Ethiopia and other foreign forces are trying to annex Somalia, which is to be fair true but ironic because shabaab themselves have relation with foreign entities trying to take over Somalia and foreign fighters killing Somalis.

The goverment really need to up their propaganda game too, they should produce videos showing shabaab crimes and how they collude with Non-Somali actors to kill and destory Somalia.
Dude every knows shabab are bad i am in xamar nobody likes shabab wah


They really do have slick production design for their videos which helps their propoganda.

In the video they are trying to appeal to Somali people by talking about how Ethiopia and other foreign forces are trying to annex Somalia, which is to be fair true but ironic because shabaab themselves have relation with foreign entities trying to take over Somalia and foreign fighters killing Somalis.

The goverment really need to up their propaganda game too, they should produce videos showing shabaab crimes and how they collude with Non-Somali actors to kill and destory Somalia.
The problem is that the average Somali only cares when people from his tribe are killed He doesn't care about the rest of the Somalis
also the Somali government in its war with them is very stupid.
The only solution is to tell the world that we cannot defeat them and that they must help us otherwise the Horn of Africa will get out of control. Then an alliance will be formed to fight them. As happened in Iraq
We must stop pretending that things are under control
I pray these imbecile nutters get some Godly help before they die.. because otherwise things don't look good for them.

Politically, the world is a mess.. I don't really see it gettin any better - probably gonna get much much much worse before the world (inevitably) ends.. but we can all hope and pray.. and try to individually make a difference ourselves.
Sane people need to get more active, coz at the moment it's the insane ones running the show.

I don't think they even believe they're going to paradise (at those moments when they're sane if they ever are.).. I bet they don't even pray Salat 5 times a day and I bet they hardly ever remember Allah, as is the case with most of these terrorists.. So it's clearly a case of insane people and has nothing to do with Islam or being a Muslim.
It really baffles me the way these people, who are clueless about Islam and its teachings, try and use Islam to justify their actions - Total BS and all anyone gotta do is just read up on Islam.. Firstly they'll end up knowing alot more than these ignorant muses who clearly don't have a clue, Secondly they'll see how Islam doesn't and never has taught any of this kind of behaviour. Plus it's never even been in Islamic culture to get irrational and emotionally act out without thinking or in injust ways.

These kind of acts are only always about wanting revenge of some sort - it's about political and foreign policy injustices.. and has got nothing to do with religion.


HSM should've kept his focus. Had he put all his energy back into the shabaab situation after what happened with MoU then we could get back to moving forward. The problem is that the forces are not moving forward and if you aren't moving forward then you're a easy target.

I'm a the point where I'd just carpet bomb the shit out of AS land. It's cruel but we can not afford to lift our foot from shabaab's neck.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!


They are very mobile and that allows them to commit these attacks. If there was a SNA platoon designed to mimic this then we could make them run. The issue is that the SNA are focus on holding for too long and that makes the sitting ducks. We should blitzkrieg into their land on multiple fronts and keep them on the backfoot.
That's a good point. We need the SNA to mimic their guerrilla warfare attacks. Give them their own medicine.


That's a good point. We need the SNA to mimic their guerrilla warfare attacks. Give them their own medicine.
Also the SNA is acting like a heavily armed force when there is little difference between them and AS in firepower. So sitting around when you're enemy is constantly moving is bad.