Al shabaab controlled towns in Somalia celebrate eid


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Why are they handing guns to children the fact that that’s something they want the world to sea shows how disgusting these people are wallahi
Xeer Is Needed In This Place We Are Going Back To The Ancient Ways No More Of This Shit



Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
i thought bantus had numbers tf happaned aren't they 1 mil
Probably around 1.5 million But if you really think about it that isn’t much. Bantus all live south of galgaduud and the population of all the gobols below galgaduud are

Hirsahbelle:1.7 million
Koonfur galbeed:5.6 million
Jubaland:1.4 million
Banadir: 2.5 million

So altogether 11.2 million.

1.5 million/11.2 million is 13% of the population of everything below galgaduud. If you include galmudug and Puntland white pretty much 0 bantus other than a few thousand IDPs, the numbers dilute down even more


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Toy guns are sold to everyone not just AS held towns its a weird cultural phenonom where in children act out their mooryaan fantasies only to later implement it when they grow up. 68 IQ nurturing


📍outer space
I did not know there were towns that supported al shabab. once again im thankful im from PL :rejoice: :rejoice: :rejoice:

Ahmed Ato

you guys should be praying for theses innocent occupied people instead of making fun of them and portraying them as future terrorists.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Somali security forces raid Jilib with helicopters and kill 80 shabaab fighters but new ones born always get recruited into Shabaab so it is never ending problem and Shabaab can't be eradicated.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Iam not gonna lie besides the blowing up for innocent people and forcing people to pay taxes. They are the closest to justice in somali society. If somebody gets raped in all shabab territory no matter what clan that guy is they will kill that person and get justice for the victim. Meanwhile in somali politics its all about the clan and buying off people . I can understand why the minority clans join them and support them:mjdontkno:.
And its easy for everybody to talk on sspot since nobody is from a small clan

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