BREAKING NEWS Air raid sirens go off in Kosovo as Serbia prepares to invade! Sounds of gunfire heard! The plebs just can't catch a break! Another war!

Lmfao and white people here always wanna talk about how the African continent is always in war seems like Europe is in a lot wars now the funny thing is the hatred the ethnic groups have for each other in the Balkans might be one of the worst the Croats are Catholics and hate the Serbs for what they have done to them in the past the Serbs also being Orthodox Christians don't like the Croats because of what happened in world war 11 when they were allied with the Germans to kill Serbs and then you have the Albanians hated by both.
The result of the "special military operation" in Ukraine will determine the fate of the Balkans. If the Russians win and get acess to the river Danube (international waterway) in the far southwest of Ukraine, they will be connected to Serbia physically and serbs throughout the Balkans will be encouraged to carry out a special military operation of their own, supported by russia. Then they will try to reclaim old "serbian lands" such as Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia, not to mention Montenegro and Macedonia.

Ukraininans are literally fighting for us.
Thats messed up bro.. Hope the Russians never win as many Muslim lives are at stake here.. What I don't get is why Chechens are being used as Canon feeders in Ukraine by Russia.. These idiots are acting like they are fighting a holy jihad.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Very good tactics by Putin by opening another front in Eastern Europe, NATO will be forced to scramble, streching them thin. Just when I thought Putin ran out of alternatives other than nukes he pulls out this trap card.

Pure genius, NATO is screwed :mjkkk:
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NATO bombing Serbs would be such a nice sight once again. Serbs don’t have the balls however


Serbians are proper trouble makers. They assassinated the Crown Prince of Austria in 1914, sparking the first WW.....then in the 90s, they warred on Croats, Bosniaks, and Albanians.

They were Ottoman slaves for 400 years, even at one point, being more loyal to the Sultan than Muslims, all the while calling themselves *Kebab Removers* killing and raping defenceless Muslim civilians in the 90s.

Russians cannot come to their aide as eu will just order nato and EU nations to close their airspace

then America will
Bomb them back to Stone Age.

Serbia is just doing this because all her gas imports from Bulgaria and Hungary originating from Russia have been blocked by EU and needs a good old war to distract from the inflation raging across Europe

There area agreements.

