Ahmed Gurey and Sayid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan Monuments Return Home

he did not lose against Portugal, he killed vesga de gama and all his 4000 man and Ethiopian king lalabele, he also killed him, but he died in abttle and his sisters son took over, amiir nuur,

ahmed gurey was Abaskuul Jidwaq Absame, Older brother of Ogaden, his sisters son was amiir nuur who was marehan, he took 75% of ethiopia and forced them to not cook their meat, hence why they eat raw meat to this day

haile selalsi said we see what ahmed gurey did in early 1500s like it was yesterday,

a lot of BS kids in here who dont know shyt, saying he was lost to Ethiopians and Portuguese when he killed Ethiopian king and Portuguese commander,

the pope sent the Portuguese after Ethiopia cried to him, the Ottomans sent only 9 janasaries to teach us how to make guns

fun fact, ottomans took eriteria and we left ethiopia with no sea link till they got it back after the Italians took it in 1893 eriteria was given back to ethiopia in 1953 and then lost it in again in 1993

in fact ethiopia under Menelik rose from a small axmaara region to today's ethiopia from 1870s only due to massive Russian and British and american and french support in the late 1800s with weapon and skills,

even when the Ethiopians were fighting the Italians, Ethiopian armies were commanded by Russian generals and russian weapons as they were orthodox both countries,

ethiopia has never beaten us in the grand staregy of suing foreigners allies until the weakness and fall of Islamic empires, siad barre should have taken that into account in 1977

the Sayid karbashed ethiopia 4 times, the average habashi against a somali with same weapons is no match, we are willing to die, their soldiers are made of slaves and servile shoes less feudal serves, we always beat them except when they used powerful western empires in the 20th century something we failed to do, they played grand staregy, we focused on tactics in the battle field,

we pushed ethiopians in 1977 all the way back to Harar with 40,000 man vs their 300,000 man but again played grand strategy and were saved by Cuban and north Yemenis, and Libyans and Russians/soviets,

a lot of BS silly uneducated kids

and this oromo called Abel, why do you booty lick for ahmaara who banned oromo language and culture and forced you to learn ahmaaric and forced you into servile and converted you from pagans into jesus worshippers, you are oromo, right? why don you stand and be proud of your oromo heritage

when haile selasi said give me somalia to the British, they said oh stop it, these people are the family of the Sayidka, they will eat you alive, you dont know somalis?
he did not lose against Portugal, he killed vesga de gama and all his 4000 man and Ethiopian king lalabele, he also killed him, but he died in abttle and his sisters son took over, amiir nuur,

ahmed gurey was Abaskuul Jidwaq Absame, Older brother of Ogaden, his sisters son was amiir nuur who was marehan, he took 75% of ethiopia and forced them to not cook their meat, hence why they eat raw meat to this day

haile selalsi said we see what ahmed gurey did in early 1500s like it was yesterday,

a lot of BS kids in here who dont know shyt, saying he was lost to Ethiopians and Portuguese when he killed Ethiopian king and Portuguese commander,

the pope sent the Portuguese after Ethiopia cried to him, the Ottomans sent only 9 janasaries to teach us how to make guns

fun fact, ottomans took eriteria and we left ethiopia with no sea link till they got it back after the Italians took it in 1893 eriteria was given back to ethiopia in 1953 and then lost it in again in 1993

in fact ethiopia under Menelik rose from a small axmaara region to today's ethiopia from 1870s only due to massive Russian and British and american and french support in the late 1800s with weapon and skills,

even when the Ethiopians were fighting the Italians, Ethiopian armies were commanded by Russian generals and russian weapons as they were orthodox both countries,

ethiopia has never beaten us in the grand staregy of suing foreigners allies until the weakness and fall of Islamic empires, siad barre should have taken that into account in 1977

the Sayid karbashed ethiopia 4 times, the average habashi against a somali with same weapons is no match, we are willing to die, their soldiers are made of slaves and servile shoes less feudal serves, we always beat them except when they used powerful western empires in the 20th century something we failed to do, they played grand staregy, we focused on tactics in the battle field,

we pushed ethiopians in 1977 all the way back to Harar with 40,000 man vs their 300,000 man but again played grand strategy and were saved by Cuban and north Yemenis, and Libyans and Russians/soviets,

a lot of BS silly uneducated kids

and this oromo called Abel, why do you booty lick for ahmaara who banned oromo language and culture and forced you to learn ahmaaric and forced you into servile and converted you from pagans into jesus worshippers, you are oromo, right? why don you stand and be proud of your oromo heritage

when haile selasi said give me somalia to the British, they said oh stop it, these people are the family of the Sayidka, they will eat you alive, you dont know somalis?
It was also the Brits who beat the Italians, not Ethiopians.

da Gama (c. 1516 – 29 August 1542), anglicised as Christopher da Gama, was a Portuguese military commander who led a Portuguese army of 4000 musketeers on a crusade in Ethiopia and Somalia (1541–1543) against the far larger Adal Muslim army of Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (also known as Ahmad Gurey) aided by the Ottoman Empire.

He, along with the allied Ethiopian army, was victorious against larger forces in four battles, but was seriously wounded in his last battle and was captured, tortured, and executed. Sir Richard Burton, in his First Footsteps in East Africa, referred to him as "the most chivalrous soldier of a chivalrous age.

they say ahmed gurey ordered his beard be plucked slowly so he died of that, dirty dog, i am so happy he died and may he burn in hell isnha Allah

we also killed the dirty dog king lalabele and burned down his fort the famous lalabele castle,

we weakened ethiopia so much we allowed the rise of many oromo muslims converted by us Absame over the centuries and pushed ahmaar back to her borders till late 1800s we kabashed them to silence,
It was also the Brits who beat the Italians, not Ethiopians.

your talking about 1942/1943 war, after Italy conquered Ethiopia from 1935 till 1943, the British pushed her out, i am talking about other wars with Ethiopia and Italy, it was always Russian empire that saved Ethiopia with man power, weapons and political clout during late 1800s and early 1900s ,

come on murursade kid, keep up, i did say menelik,

How can they return home when they no longer exist?



Mooryaans stole them, dismantled them, and sold them as scrap. The original statues are probably in 80 different countries by now.

Those pictures are from when the statue was under construction. Jeberti propaganda is as dangerous as it's stupid.

Original photo from British archives.

and here is the link:
Most people who push this myth of “Ethiopian richness and glory” are usually afro centric supremacists who are considered a joke and nobody takes seriously.

In fact, Adal Sultanate forces mainly consisted of Somalis. Somalis were the majority.


Despite all of this. Most of the Somali population was located in the Ajuran Kingdom and they didn't take part it and this just shows you Somalis were so powerful that they didn't need each other.


@embarassing @Teeri-Alpha


How can they return home when they no longer exist?



Mooryaans stole them, dismantled them, and sold them as scrap. The original statues are probably in 80 different countries by now.

What hurts me the most isn't what we lost in terms of assets but historical documents from history in our MUSEUMS and shit, like that has no 'price' value, like it baffles me what sort of moryan thinking allows someone to do that sort of damage where you destroy data and history and all the government documents we had that we could be studying today. U never destroy knowledge center or identity center, what will your people read to know about the past? this is what conquerers in the old days would do as they invaded to ensure they burned your libraries and stuff and ensure you forget all the knowledge about yourself and people. This is when my heart burns the most about HG, I don't hate them as clan, just the irreversible damage they did cannot be recovered from. They the hawiye even boast how they did this in Ajuuran era, and look at Ajuuran now, nowhere in history to be seen. Maybe they're intention was that, magaca iyo tarikhda somalida in la waayo.


Ahmed Gurey my ancestor mashallah :salute:Farmaajo and co doing work

You keep claiming Ahmed gurey like a nacas. Where does he join Marehan clan, which family? and where are his relatives today in marehan so we can prove it. HEBEL HEBEL GUREY wa inu ku jira abtirsiga. B22N CULTURE WAA KAA, LOOKING TO MAKE ABBO INTO EVERYTHING.

HENCE ABBO SIYAD AND @Arma CAUGHT U ON THAT AND SAID WAT SORT OF MAN CALL HIMSELF ABBO LOOOOOOOL ONLY B22NTA, THEY TURN EVERYONE THEY SEE INTO ABBAHOODA. He thinks he can make a majerten call another man ABBE siyad, nice try adeer, we know our abtirsi and who our fathers are. But the b22n in the south would call him ABBO


Quran reminder

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

How did Siyad get away with calling himself 'abbe siyad' and asking people to call him father, when the 'nebi' wouldn't even dare allow anyone to change they're fathers and ancestors and call him a father. @Arma good job catching the b22n out. It's a Typical b22n culture, they're not real muslims or have any deep understanding of Islam. That's why you see how they behave is totally un-islamic, as the want to squeeze in qabil agenda abusing quran. Why u need to abuse the quran, come and conquer me as a man to man waryaa, stop hiding behind quranka nijaas yahow.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
You keep claiming Ahmed gurey like a nacas. Where does he join Marehan clan, which family? and where are his relatives today in marehan so we can prove it. HEBEL HEBEL GUREY wa inu ku jira abtirsiga. B22N CULTURE WAA KAA, LOOKING TO MAKE ABBO INTO EVERYTHING.

HENCE ABBO SIYAD AND @Arma CAUGHT U ON THAT AND SAID WAT SORT OF MAN CALL HIMSELF ABBO LOOOOOOOL ONLY B22NTA, THEY TURN EVERYONE THEY SEE INTO ABBAHOODA. He thinks he can make a majerten call another man ABBE siyad, nice try adeer, we know our abtirsi and who our fathers are. But the b22n in the south would call him ABBO

Warya guunyaheey guunta dhashay. Imam Ahmed Gurey was my adeer you focking nacas FOH. He was born into the MX clan in fact he was a Ina Nuur sub clan family of MX dumbass. His MX relatives are in Harar especially his sub clan. I'm the prove right here kid. He was MX kelebyahow. Many docs have stated it. And every Somali knows this except the liars like YOU. B00N CULTURE IS YOUR CULTURE. Warya why you replying to me your master? It's bc I'm your abo somaha? Kkk b00nta BANTU I'm not YOUR father go talk to your father kkk. Your clansmen's children used to call Jaalle Siad Barre abo tho :icon lol: You don't know jack shit about your abtirsi your from ZANZIBAR Tanzania. Your real father is in ZANZIBAR. B00nyahow I own the South go stay in the dusty northwestern regions


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
Quran reminder

Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

How did Siyad get away with calling himself 'abbe siyad' and asking people to call him father, when the 'nebi' wouldn't even dare allow anyone to change they're fathers and ancestors and call him a father. @Arma good job catching the b22n out. It's a Typical b22n culture, they're not real muslims or have any deep understanding of Islam. That's why you see how they behave is totally un-islamic, as the want to squeeze in qabil agenda abusing quran. Why u need to abuse the quran, come and conquer me as a man to man waryaa, stop hiding behind quranka nijaas yahow.

Kelebyahow. You don't know the deen. If you did you wouldn't be insulting qabils. Kkk Jaalle Siad was loved by all and was the founding revolutionary father of the Somali Republic hence the greatest everyone loved. B00nyahow it's your b00n culture. Warya we brought the deen to Somalis and everyone in the Horn. We're the realist Muslim Sufis right here my pet. You don't behave Islamic caaying clans. I already conquered you your not a man but a boy warya neefyahow
Somalis must build a statue of the Cuban General Arnaldo Ochoa in Mogadisho. He was the man who defeated Somalia in 1977 war.

Check out his picture.


