Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamacaa attack Galmudug troops north of Dhusamareb


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Many soldiers were killed

ahlu sunnah have shown they are still a power to be reckoned with



Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Ahlu Sunna are at this point a destabilizing force.
Galmudug as a federal state cannot function if these people are not disarmed and demobilized.
I don't even understand what they are fighting for at this point.

Kulaha ''a force to be reckoned with'' this deluded reer Gedo.

We all know ahlu-shias are proxy terrorists used by others who have now become moryaan tuugo who ambush civilians and soldiers alike, but im glad this time they ambushed Qoorqoors/Sadiq kins Salebaan, perhaps this time it will waken them up and kill off these tuugo shia moryaans.

I kindly advice the confused @TekNiKo to focus on his starving kins in Gedo than Galmudug state an state he has no bsuiness with!



Ahlu sunnah should of been left alone. Many soldiers came from Xamar and Beledweyne to get them out of Guriceel. I remember Farxaan Qaroole was injured there lol. They've left so now theres only local sna, police who are all related and former aswj lol Why doesnt Qoor Qoor send 21st division? Aswj are not hiding.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Ahlu sunnah should of been left alone. Many soldiers came from Xamar and Beledweyne to get them out of Guriceel. I remember Farxaan Qaroole was injured there lol. They've left so now theres only local sna, police who are all related and former aswj lol Why doesnt Qoor Qoor send 21st division? Aswj are not hiding.
Can you tell this @Bariire guy the reality that Galmudug is only surviving by Farmaajo govt and as soon as they leave they will be taken over by Ahlu Sunnah. People dont realise how powerful they are. If Farmaajo loses all those troops will be going home and Ahlu Sunnah will take over :heh:
Can you tell this @Bariire guy the reality that Galmudug is only surviving by Farmaajo govt and as soon as they leave they will be taken over by Ahlu Sunnah. People dont realise how powerful they are. If Farmaajo loses all those troops will be going home and Ahlu Sunnah will take over :heh:

Keep trying langaabow, we HGs will keep hunting you now and forever even after your Abo Farmaajo is gone.

Galmudug exists almost 17 years now and will continue to exist post your nacas abo farmaajo.
I'm against ahlul sunnah attacking local GM state troops or SNA laakin I support them when they karbash the foreign funded militia that are loyal to the cheese like haramcad & gorgor .
Aun to the deceased soldiers.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
More troops abandon GM troops and join Ahlu Sunnah in Bohol



Ahlu Sunna are at this point a destabilizing force.
Galmudug as a federal state cannot function if these people are not disarmed and demobilized.
I don't even understand what they are fighting for at this point.


There was no such a thing as functioning galmudug prior to 2020 when farmaajo brought haramcad and gorgor to kick ahlul sunnah from galnus capital dhusamareeb and guriceel.

Farmaajo needs to bring back haramcad and gorgor from galnus and let ahlul sunnah and galnus fight each other. no more holding galnus hands let them sink.
Time for President Farmaajo to bring haramcad and gorgor back from galnus.
Are they trained to defend the country or only your uncle political friends/ battles. Pick one
Mark Wahlberg Reaction GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Are they trained to defend the country or only your uncle political friends/ battles. Pick one
Mark Wahlberg Reaction GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

:pachah1:kkk sxb in every Galmudug threads you have mareexans all crying that ''Galmudug doesnt exist'' or ''Galmudug is this or that'' all this cry is just an cry for help.
:pachah1:kkk sxb in every Galmudug threads you have mareexans all crying that ''Galmudug doesnt exist'' or ''Galmudug is this or that'' all this cry is just an cry for help.
They insult the only state where they over represented these ungrateful parasites are truly a curse they will insult you while eating your food
I never heard of these people before what is their objective ? Are they like shabaab?
to put it in simple words, ASWJ is a radical group like Al Shabaab they are against the ideologies of al Shabaab. ASWJ used to work with the Galmudug admin against Al Shabaab but they had a fallout. So Galmudug admin launched a military assault against ASWJ, kicking them out from Guriel in October 2021. Now, these incidents are signs of ASWJ resurging and regrouping