Against Somaliand independence...? I want to hear your opinion.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
@Rationale when I was a young boy on vacation in a Somali city, I saw one non-local Somali lady put her hand up towards a Somali man begging in the market. He gave her some shillings. Out of no where, her 10 kids appeared and did the same. He got angry and told them to go away. I will never forget that time. The lady reminds me today of Somalia and the children as Djibouti and the other gobols and fake internet states.

As brutal as ever, are you still advocating for leasing Somalia to the Chinese for 90 years?

Not Chinese. I prefer the Americans. Not leasing but real colonization for 250 years.
Apologies, I'm not completely familiar with the politics... triangle..?

Isn't British borders of Somaliland well established? Yes, other tribes have lived there for years - but borders are borders... right? We have to respect it.
The only thing we respect is your willingness to keep up a lie for 32 years I mean it is impressive 😂
When I start to think Daarood are delusional, the Isaaq are quick to remind me of their existence. I have never seen a more deluded group in all of Somaliweyn.


Bantu Liberation Movement
When I start to think Daarood are delusional, the Isaaq are quick to remind me of their existence. I have never seen a more deluded group in all of Somaliweyn.
This is something you tell yourself when you want a little relief from being Hawiye.
A question I have for my landers if Recognition is in the hands of Mogadishu why do u insist on colonial borders?
I don't troll sxb. I'm too old for that.

I normally don't follow Somali politics. But this Lasanod situation gave me a panic attack when I first heard it.

30yrs of peace & stability slowing being unravelled. I can't cope. It's causing me anxiety.

I visit Hargeisa to see relatives every few years. I also enjoy and chewing qaad (which I never do living in UK since its banned anyway), gives me an opportunity to practice my af-somali which is very rusty.

The thought of Hargeisa turning into another Al'shabab hellhole is my biggest nightmare. May Allah prevent that from happening!
Think about this, who benefits the most from Al shabab terror attacks? Who's using the carnage they create in southern Somalia as a point to seek recognition and even at times celebrate the death and bombings of muqdisho? Your people is the answer and no other region of Somalia does this.. Your existence is solely based on the disfunction and suffering of southern Somalia, and you are here to force people to respect colonial borders? Who made the authority to do this and what makes justified to make others to submit to your will?
Why should harti who are native to sool and sanaag leave their homeland, why do you want to force them to be part of Somaliland, how is this justifiable. Isn't this the same as if Somalia invaded Hargeisa and forced it to be part of Somalia by gunpoint?

I can also just say if I use your argument : If you don't want to be part of Somalia, you should just move to Ethiopia problem solved 😂
Exactly if isaaq are not happy with somalia they should leave the internationally recogzined land of somalia togdheer and waqooyi galbeed. The land belongs to somalia.
Think about this, who benefits the most from Al shabab terror attacks? Who's using the carnage they create in southern Somalia as a point to seek recognition and even at times celebrate the death and bombings of muqdisho? Your people is the answer and no other region of Somalia does this.. Your existence is solely based on the disfunction and suffering of southern Somalia, and you are here to force people to respect colonial borders? Who made the authority to do this and what makes justified to make others to submit to your will?
Yeah because people love living next to unstable neighbours just to make themselves look better. Its widely know in fact that people advertise their antisocial neighbours when selling their home to get a healthy mark-up on their property.
Gave up on them. Since there is no other objection. Everybody recognises Somaliland is formally independent. Case done.
I wish this was the case walahi no one would have a problem if you just focused on you triangle looking state. However without these region we are much closer to hargesa than you to garowe and that is the whole point u need leverage and we ain't gonna give it you
How can we come to the negotiations table when we don't even believe in Somaliland we are not people with grievances within the Somaliland political frame we don't want to secede to hard to comprend ?


I couldn’t careless if every state in somalia wants to become its own country. That godforsaken place is done for.