Against Somaliand independence...? I want to hear your opinion.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
No country on earth will allow anyone to secede, you threaten the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Somalia.
Thus the integrity of Somalia and by extenstion the Union will be guarded and protected at all costs,
From Saylac to Ras Kamboni, One Republic, One Flag, One God and One People.
This is very disappointing to read. SMH!

You do realize that this is the EXACT mindset that keeps Somalia in a state of lawlessness..? Basically, lets fight and see who wins. Newsflash, fighting one another will not benefit anybody. It will destroy businesses, livelihoods and leave another generation destitute.

It will lead to a vacuum where Al'shabab can spread like a disease. Somaliland cannot allow Al'shabab anywhere near its capital.

Let us come to the table, negotiate and open dialogue to come to a resolution. Diplomacy sxb.

The integrity of the union is non negotiable
Terrible unhealthy mindset waryaa. Boasting about killing people. No wonder Somalia is still in turmoil.

Let me offer you some advice; adopt the mindset of diplomacy & dialogue.

The bolded part is a reflection of SL today.

Slanders went from talking about the oppression of MSB and him using violence (not disregarding the atrocities he committed or comparing to the scale of the war in LasAnod) to keep the union intact, only for you guys to replicate his actions. Especially by 'democratically' electing a warlord with bloods on his hands.

To make matters worse, when I'm puzzled when I see Slanders defiantly support and justify the SL army as they are waging a war on fellow Somalis simply for deciding their fate, just like your people did in the beginning of the 90s.

I feel so ashamed, as someone who only have ties with SL and nothing with the rest of Somalia. In principle, I want the best for Somaliland and its people to live in peace and prosperity just like all other Somalis. However when you force yourself upon people by force, to protect defunct borders, you burn all bridges will all of your supporters.

A lack of clear consensus among the locals, will only lead to the total collapse of SL. So a dear advice from me: focus on the areas that believe in SL as a separate entity.
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Apologies, I'm not completely familiar with the politics... triangle..?

Isn't British borders of Somaliland well established? Yes, other tribes have lived there for years - but borders are borders... right? We have to respect it.
Well you're saying borders should be respected, why don't you then respect the internationally recognized borders of Somalia?
Apologies, I'm not completely familiar with the politics... triangle..?

Isn't British borders of Somaliland well established? Yes, other tribes have lived there for years - but borders are borders... right? We have to respect it.
Well you're saying borders should be respected, why don't you then respect the internationally recognized borders of Somalia?
Apologies, I'm not completely familiar with the politics... triangle..?

Isn't British borders of Somaliland well established? Yes, other tribes have lived there for years - but borders are borders... right? We have to respect it.
Well you're saying borders should be respected, why don't you then respect the internationally recognized borders of Somalia?


My reasons against Somaliland independence:
1) most obvious reason. We are one people, somalis are a nation. We share culture, language, ethnicity and religion. The ethnic relationship between a Somalilander and a southern Somali is stronger than the relationship between a English person from Bristol and one from Liverpool.
2) united we stand, divided we fall. Somalia and somaliland need each other. We are a poor country with few resources, dividing our country is detrimental to all of us. A united Somalia has more weight in the region and the international community. All our enemies want us divided so that they can colonize and loot our lands more effectively
3) Somaliland wants independence because of Qabil. Isaaq felt they didn't have enough power in Somalia so they came up with this idea to separate so that they can have a country of their own , this idea though is failing and you can see that in Lasanod and other non Isaaq areas that refuse separatis.
I recognize that Somalilanders were harmed by the previous government in a very brutal way and that is part of the reason why Somaliland wants independence, but this still does not mean the rest of Somalia is responsible. Siad is long dead and he targeted anyone who was against him . MJ were brutally repressed by Siad and yet they don't claim to be independent
4) our forefathers including people from Somaliland died for the freedom of the somali people. Somalia should be the safe heaven for all somalis. I strongly believe any part of Somaliweyn is my homeland. Somalia was the union between Somalis who refused colonial borders made by Gaalo , going back to those borders is betraying our forefathers


Apologies, I'm not completely familiar with the politics... triangle..?

Isn't British borders of Somaliland well established? Yes, other tribes have lived there for years - but borders are borders... right? We have to respect it.
I don't recognize a colonial border made by Europeans to divide our land. Those borders have no meaning to me. It's not a natural border


Can’t believe everyone is falling for this thread. This is clearly a troll :mjlol:

Literally everything they say is exactly the same argument Laascaanood citizens make and they then play dumb.


Ethiopia & Somalis are two distinct ethnic groups. Apples & oranges.

Somalis who inhabit east Somaliland that wish to remain apart of Somalia, can simply move across a few miles and remain closely tied to their Federal brothers & Sisters.
With all the due respect. Do you realize how this is a stupid argument? You say you should have the right to rule your own country but deny the same right to people who disagree with Somaliland. If you want independence just separate with those who agree with you and don't drag people who don't want you. Your point is very similar to when Israelis say Palestinians should go to other Arab countries
Can’t believe everyone is falling for this thread. This is clearly a troll :mjlol:

Literally everything they say is exactly the same argument Laascaanood citizens make and they then play dumb.

I don't troll sxb. I'm too old for that.

I normally don't follow Somali politics. But this Lasanod situation gave me a panic attack when I first heard it.

30yrs of peace & stability slowing being unravelled. I can't cope. It's causing me anxiety.

I visit Hargeisa to see relatives every few years. I also enjoy and chewing qaad (which I never do living in UK since its banned anyway), gives me an opportunity to practice my af-somali which is very rusty.

The thought of Hargeisa turning into another Al'shabab hellhole is my biggest nightmare. May Allah prevent that from happening!

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
I don't troll sxb. I'm too old for that.

I normally don't follow Somali politics. But this Lasanod situation gave me a panic attack when I first heard it.

30yrs of peace & stability slowing being unravelled. I can't cope. It's causing me anxiety.

I visit Hargeisa to see relatives every few years. I also enjoy and chewing qaad (which I never do living in UK since its banned anyway), gives me an opportunity to practice my af-somali which is very rusty.

The thought of Hargeisa turning into another Al'shabab hellhole is my biggest nightmare. May Allah prevent that from happening!
We pray for the downfall of Somaliland and a peaceful return to the union.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I am not ashamed you should be ashamed of yourself.

Your great grandfather and I want the same thing, Somaliweyne and a Somali ethnostate.
It's only the corrupt SNM that led you to believe you can seceded.
We pray for the downfall of Somaliland and a peaceful return to the union.

Please don't say this. A Somaliland in ruin will not contribute to anything good. We've seen southern Somalia for the past three decades, and it's not something to replicate.

We should just stick to being against those in power in SL, and hope that someone else with common sense take over the region soon.
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Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Somaliland in ruin will not contribute to anything good.
A Somaliland that is prospering within the union is good, when I say I want the collapse of SL I mean the 'republic' all people and rights and laws are transferred to Somalia and the blue flag is hung over Hargeisa.
I am not ashamed you should be ashamed of yourself.

Your great grandfather and I want the same thing, Somaliweyne and a Somali ethnostate.
It's only the corrupt SNM that led you to believe you can seceded.
From a neutral perspective, SNM wasn't initially a separatist faction initially tuur was supposed to be vp to caydiid, but USC was too busy chomping out, So SL decided to do its own thing till Xamar got back on its feet which it has only done so somewhat within the last 5 yrs, but SL are too deep into their plan so they kinda are stuck and can't back out. I believe what SL is waiting for is for Xamar to defeat AS establish a legit government and for them to receive a fair offer (decent level of autonomy and representation) and then they will rejoin the union.


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I believe in a single Somalia for aid efficiency purposes. Western taxpayers do not need 5 different Somali countries with 5 begging bowls.