After intense abuse/bullying, bout time i changed my Avatar


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
:gucciwhat::gucciwhat: I didnt want sspot weirdos to give akhi Omar al Bakrany the evil eye. Indeed, that dp got me alot of abuse and stick so hopefully this new one is met with better response.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
what did we expect?
not another arab dude pfp :umad:
The last one was lightskin, this one is darkskin Arab. Im showing solidarity to our Dark skin brethren on Somalispot who got alot of abuse this week :pachah1: :pachah1:
Didnt see the intense abuse over avatar:cosbyhmm:

Well, i have stopped going into your bootyclapping and self hating threads and skipping posts:mjdontkno: