Afro-Caribbean making fun of Somali boy on insta live

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I am pretty sure I have seen video of this guy getting fucked up in prison and him running into shops to avoid little youths and they dragged him out and fucked him up.
You seriously need to get a life. You jealous monkey. African americans with a population if 50million comparing yourselves with 20million somalis. We have the land of punt, created the dhow, and built many lighthouses and mosques superior to your petty advances

Oh so now you're talking numbers...that's your new approach?

And lighthouse and mosque? Nigga did you see the list that i posted? and there are many many more notable AAs that have contributed to the advancement of man kind...worldwide. And we're not even talking about cultural impact here.

Now jealous of what? You phuckers are one generation from chasing goats and camels in the desert...and you want to compare yourselves with african americans. Nigga you come from a low achieving in-bred rachet group which will remain that way ad infinitum.

Kill yourself prawn.
Oh so now you're talking numbers...that's your new approach?

And lighthouse and mosque? Nigga did you see the list that i posted? and there are many many more notable AAs that have contributed to the advancement of man kind...worldwide. And we're not even talking about cultural impact here.

Now jealous of what? You phuckers are one generation from chasing goats and camels in the desert...and you want to compare yourselves with african americans. Nigga you come from a low achieving in-bred rachet group which will remain that way ad infinitum.

Kill yourself prawn.
Listen all that shit doesn't matter when they have been whipped by the whites for 400 yrs lol.
Listen all that shit doesn't matter when they have been whipped by the whites for 400 yrs lol.

Matters even more. Don't they inspire you little prawn? They should give you hope. Especially you who come from a people that destroyed their country and are now scattered like gypsies all over the world...begging food and shelter. AAs can serve as an example for you that you can still come forward with triumph. Although your goose is cooked with your picture plastered all over this forum and all your disgusting posts right alongside.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why you guys arguing with a gaal jareet from Carribean? He doesn't even know his ancestor was from Nigeria or Wakanda:pachah1:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Watch Maury Povich show Madows are hilarious when they find out they are NOT the father

@onlyme probably was a product of a backseat tussle in a Chevrolet :drakelaugh:
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