African American Brothers talking about Somalia

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Son of Aw-Barre
There is only two groups on this planet that claim they have never been enslaved, one of them is Arab's, the other is Somali's, the difference here is that the Arab's despite partaking in slave trades, distance themselves from it, blaming the Ottoman's for it etc.

The Somali's are the only group in this world that take pride in enslaving others and go to great length to prove it. The Slavic's slavery by the Ottoman's and every other empire before is the reason the word 'slaves' was derived from slavics, because they were in perpetual slavery.

Today they use this as a rallying cry, you see it all over Youtube and their articles, the Western European's also claiming to have been enslaved to shave off some of the white guilt accusing the Egyptian's or the Moore's as culprits.

The Egyptian long line of black Pharaohs probably practised the most brutal forms of slavery, even depicted in the Quran, these were mostly today's West African's, during Ottoman rule, the Great Black Muslim ruler of the empire of Ghana enslaved Southern and Central African black's for his kingdom, whom later helped them get shipped to America.

What goes around always comes back around in this world, so although people will laugh and find your post satirical, it has merits. only the real inferior groups boasts.
underachievers boast
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