African American Brothers talking about Somalia

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If they didn't call Somalis Somalians...I would take them more seriously. I do agree with a lot of what they are saying and the guy on the left is easy on the eyes. Actually they both look good.
I rolled my eyes when I saw the title but I watched a minute if it and was pleasantly surprised it wasn't what I though.
Alhamdulillah I was about to believe that everyone hated us.:mjcry:
By the way, I have been seeing too many topics about African American on this website recently. I am starting to get worried.

I ain't black either.:trash:
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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ah. It's a look at the socioeconomic position of the country.

Not sure how accurate any of it is but thank God it ain't what I was fearing it was gonna be.
When people hate Somalis, Somalis complain.

When people love and are obsessed with Somalis, Somalis still complain.

Confused people
Lol @ United Snakes.


this was one of the comments: z3zrULC

...Don't forget about how the Ethiopians were so afraid by the advancing Somali army In 1977 they ate their meat raw because they couldn't wait for it to cook and just ran to the mountains...
Why does every anti-black youtube account have to sound autistic?
they're such losers. I really do think they have autism. one of the signs is having a lack of decorum and not knowing how to act. they're definitely somewhere on the spectrum.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
African Americans don't understand that our struggles in Somalia have nothing to do with their struggles in America.

Also what they said is not untrue, even the part about about the toxic waste. Somali warlords allowed for toxic waste to be dumped by Europeans along their shores for a disgustingly small sum of money. I don't know about the part where babies were being born deformed. Also from what I have heard asian companies are the main culprits for the illegal fishing and overfishing of our seas.
We have the same struggles.

We are poor and we also have been slaves in the past.

There is only two groups on this planet that claim they have never been enslaved, one of them is Arab's, the other is Somali's, the difference here is that the Arab's despite partaking in slave trades, distance themselves from it, blaming the Ottoman's for it etc.

The Somali's are the only group in this world that take pride in enslaving others and go to great length to prove it. The Slavic's slavery by the Ottoman's and every other empire before is the reason the word 'slaves' was derived from slavics, because they were in perpetual slavery.

Today they use this as a rallying cry, you see it all over Youtube and their articles, the Western European's also claiming to have been enslaved to shave off some of the white guilt accusing the Egyptian's or the Moore's as culprits.

The Egyptian long line of black Pharaohs probably practised the most brutal forms of slavery, even depicted in the Quran, these were mostly today's West African's, during Ottoman rule, the Great Black Muslim ruler of the empire of Ghana enslaved Southern and Central African black's for his kingdom, whom later helped them get shipped to America.

What goes around always comes back around in this world, so although people will laugh and find your post satirical, it has merits. only the real inferior groups boasts.
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