I've just had a quick gander at the member state list, and to absolutely no surprise not a single African country is a contributing member.
You know what I did notice? My country of residence is. And what more, Australia selfishly refuses to participate. My tax money has gone to developing your tuulo. Where is my pat on the back?![]()
im not maheran though, also TYPING IN ALL CAPS DOESN'T DISPROVE MINE CLAIM.Here we go, what Amisom couldn’t do was done by a marehan General!!! What’s stopping you to develop Gedo which is the poorest and most underdeveloped region in Somalia?
you and i know the fgs politician and anisom profit from al-shabaab.
without al-shabaab anisom won't able to get there daily paycheck to sit in camps or guard farmaajo in his bunker.
remember when a maheran general got sick of fgs/anisom and just went rogue and capture merca in mere days.
Are you sure about it? Though there are non African contributors, the biggest contributor is Nigeria which contributes 9%. They started the bank. That’s not the point. This money came from the African development bank and donated money to Somalis for a good and noble cause. That’s the point lost on you guys.
Here we go, what Amisom couldn’t do was done by a marehan General!!! What’s stopping you to develop Gedo which is the poorest and most underdeveloped region in Somalia?
acording to the screencap @CrowIt actually isn't Nigeria. I got mildly curious just now and I'm fairly certain the U.K isbthe largest single contributor.
I'll play. The African Development Bank isn't just by Africans for Africans as you seem to imply in your original post. Before slighting Somalis, naturally. It's an international institution set up with the purpose of aiding African countries. Africans aren't building Somalia, the world (inclusive of Arabs) is.
he likes to create a narative where somalis are ugrateful for aid they receive which isn't trueIt actually isn't Nigeria. I got mildly curious just now and I'm fairly certain the U.K isbthe largest single contributor.
I'll play. The African Development Bank isn't just by Africans for Africans as you seem to imply in your original post. Before slighting Somalis, naturally. It's an international institution set up with the purpose of aiding African countries. Africans aren't building Somalia, the world (inclusive of Arabs) is.
he likes to create a narative where somalis are ugrateful for aid they receive which isn't trueView attachment 77911
acording to the screencap @Crow
showed 9 out of the 20 weren't even african
anisom is paid mostly by un and eu.@tyrannicalmanager
Those Turks helped Somalia and in particular those in Mogadishu and that’s indisputable, but they refused to send troops to Somalia to help them quell Alshabaab. Erdogan doesn’t believe turkey to fight other Muslims (except Kurds) and therefore, the only people left to help Somalia defeat Alshabaab were the African Union. But you guys are ungrateful.
tanisom is paid mostly by un and eu.
why do think a poor country like like burundi doesn't want widtraw from somalia?
because it's a reliable source of income.
somalia was already heading to stability and self governance when uic was established in 2006.@tyrannicalmanager
You guys never get the bigger picture because you locked yourselves in a box and looking from inside out with no vision on the periphery. Why is the need for African troops in Somalia in the first place? Why the need for assistance from other “poor” African countries? When you get the answer then you guys might become aware to the extent of our self destruction. Next to send troops to Somalia will be Haiti and Liberia, if that happens, I won’t be surprised.
somalia was already heading to stability and self governance when uic was established in 2006.
but because the i was islamic theracy not a republic, ethiopia convince usa that i was al-quada affiliated(it wasn't) so could get backing to invade somalia.
it was only after ethiopia invaded and dismantel the uic, thatal-shabaab swore allegiance to al-queda.
you know you can disprove my claim, rather than making a post calling me silly and tell me to read book.@tyrannicalmanager
Sxb, read the book, 'The Secret History of Al-Qaeda's Most Powerful Ally' by Harun Maruf, Dan Joseph and Christopher Anzalone and next time, it will spare you embarrassment.
you know you can disprove my claim, rather than making a post calling me silly and tell me to read book.
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