Advisor to Ministry of Minerals of Somaliland region visits gold mining area Cirshiida, Sanaag


Cirshiida wa deegaan aad iyo aad uu qurxoon ruuntii.

The problem with gold is the somali market has stopped since no flights leave hargeysa or bosaso.
Gold has fell in somalia an there is no way to take to market.
These gold miners will use the money before collecting indebted

That is why modern port in Maydh must be built. Maybe LaasQoray if we liberate it or keep pushinh AfXaarGali further east


Ur cousin gadhweyn has issues. Kulaha NuuxCumar. We arent even close to cershida.
As far as the port it wont matter. Diyaard baa la saara

That man has too much cuqdad

Sanaag needs its own airports can't be relying on other regions to export all the time.



I don't believe so, i want hear from some Gahayle. Do we have any on SSpot?

Don't argue with me about my region.

They got kicked out of Sanaag in the 90s. Majority reside in Bosaso region as a result.

"The Gaheyle were entirely displaced from Sanaag after the termination of the civil war at the beginning of 1991. They have fled to neighbouring Majerten-dominated Bosaso region where they still languish as un-official refugees

