Adon in Hebrew and Somali


Forza Somalia!
Adon+ai ( my lord ) in hebrew if you made it in the same form as the Somali word Adoon+key it would meant my slave. This to me was hilarious.
I guess, for this reason, and the reason why you can't utter the name of God in Hebrew and need to substitute it for titles like Adonai, is the reason why Judaism was spread in Ethiopia and Yemen, but not Somalia.
Adon in Somali means slave but in hebrew it means lord. Weird isn't it?

These are called contronym words .
A contronym is a word that has two opposite meanings
( a word that is contrary to itself ) .
for example :
Bolt means : to secure, or to flee .
Skin means : to cover, or to remove .​

I think the Hebrew word (Adon) could mean the one/master whom we serve, while in the Somali word (Addon) it means the one who serves his master.
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Adon in Somali means slave but in hebrew it means lord. Weird isn't it?
Another contronym ( الأضداد ) word .

The Arabic word مَوْلَى ( mawlaa ) has two contradictory meanings .
one of them means : chief, lord, master .
the other one means : client , slave .

وَهُوَ كَلٌّ عَلَىٰ مَوْلَاهُ ...... 76 سورة النحل
He is a burden on his master ( مَوْلَاهُ ) Surah An-Nahl 76 .​
My theory is Somalis are half Jew and half Madow East Africans
Married into the Cushites after we left the levant. Cruising down into the Horn of Africa.


