Aden farah appointed as deputy pm of Ethiopia

I heard Abiy doesn’t trust certain Oromo, Afar, Amhara, Tigray but the Somalis he trust not bad being Abiy’s wateboy.


Staff Member
In Ethiopia after amharas and oromos, Somalis come naturally in the third place so kudos for Abiy for integrating ethioSomalis in Ethiopia democratically. If you a president or a pm of a country and then choose to select candidates democratically to represent the different ethinicities of your country then you are destined for succees both on security front and development front as all feel represented equally in the system. But if you only hire your own kinds and clans then you never progress as you systematically discriminating against genuime individuals who could have put you to the mountain top.

This appointment is a huge step forward for Ethiopia as Somalis will feel more proud of Ethiopia. Abiy should follow in Paul Kagame footsteps and simply tame the horners of retarded tribalism nonsense in the 21st century.
Congratulations reer fourlabe taking over the horn Ethiopia and Djibouti
That's very bold of you to assume that as we all know the half canfari head of the PM office step son of Ina Cumar Geelle is set to succeed him
No he's not even an option, its between Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh and the current PM, Ilyas is favored to win because has majority support