Abdullahi Yusuf in yemen

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Madaxweynihii hore ee DFKMG ee Somaliya oo hadda ku sugan dalka Yemen ayaa boqday qabrigii ismaaciil jabarti, ayadoo la sheegay in uu booqasha ku maraya deegaano badan oo ay dagaan reer jabarti isxaaq asagoo lakulmyaya odayaasha iyo cuqaasha.

Cabdulaahi Yuusuf waxa uu booqday qabri qadiimiga ah oo uu ku aasanyahay jabarti isxaaq (isamacil jabarti), sida ka muuqata sawirka hoose. Waxaana taas lagu macneeyey in ka dhabaynayo war uu horay usiiyay idacadaha dalka yemen oo uu sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo dalka yemen, isagoo laga soo xigtey in uu yiri Yemen waxaa ku aasan odaygii ay ka soo jeedaan beelo dega Soomaaliya oo c/laahi Yusuf ka soo jeedo, oo odaygii dhalay uu tegey ka wadanka yemen magaalada XATRAMUUT aadeyna Soomaaliya.




@Reiko what do you think?


He could very well have been E1B1 as migration from the Horn to Yemen was normal back then.

Darods carry the Somali-specific version. Nothing Yemeni about them, this is so cringy and retarded, I can't believe people still believe these fairy tales.
No major Somali tribe has Arab lineage, whoever believes this has a very low IQ.

I have a Syrian friend, who really has Arab lienage from the Banu Hashim tribe he mentioned it once, when i asked him about tribes in Syria. He told me then that his tribe has no relevance to him, because he sees all Muslims as equals. On the other hand you have some Darood, who look like regular Somalis, some even with strong Bantu features, who still claim to be Arab. Somalis all have the same origin.
No major Somali tribe has Arab lineage, whoever believes this has a very low IQ.

I have a Syrian friend, who really has Arab lienage from the Banu Hashim tribe he mentioned it once, when i asked him about tribes in Syria. He told me then that his tribe has no relevance to him, because he sees all Muslims as equals. On the other hand you have some Darood, who look like regular Somalis, some even with strong Bantu features, who still claim to be Arab. Somalis all have the same origin.

The arab shit is Bullshit and i doubt anyone seriously believes in it. But somalis having the same origin is another bullshit.

Tedakale, dont yall also claim a sand negro ancestor according to your myth?

To be fair every Muslim communtiy did it to some extent. I personally believe tribal lienages do really exist, but we should just stop claiming that the tribe founder was an Arab. It is more suitable to say Ismacil Jabarti or Sheikh Isaaq were from a Proto-Somali folks.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Standing at such shrine would be strange feeling:
I come from the balls of my dad, he from his dad, his dad from his dad........................from Sheikh Hebel(Clan originator).


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Madaxweynihii hore ee DFKMG ee Somaliya oo hadda ku sugan dalka Yemen ayaa boqday qabrigii ismaaciil jabarti, ayadoo la sheegay in uu booqasha ku maraya deegaano badan oo ay dagaan reer jabarti isxaaq asagoo lakulmyaya odayaasha iyo cuqaasha.

Cabdulaahi Yuusuf waxa uu booqday qabri qadiimiga ah oo uu ku aasanyahay jabarti isxaaq (isamacil jabarti), sida ka muuqata sawirka hoose. Waxaana taas lagu macneeyey in ka dhabaynayo war uu horay usiiyay idacadaha dalka yemen oo uu sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo dalka yemen, isagoo laga soo xigtey in uu yiri Yemen waxaa ku aasan odaygii ay ka soo jeedaan beelo dega Soomaaliya oo c/laahi Yusuf ka soo jeedo, oo odaygii dhalay uu tegey ka wadanka yemen magaalada XATRAMUUT aadeyna Soomaaliya.




@Reiko what do you think?
Mashallah. Look at the glow he had. Paying tribute to our ancestors.

May Allah swt have mercy on his beautiful soul.

Founding father of Puntland!
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