Abdirahman Abdishakuur former bodyguard begs Farmaajo to reinstate him to SNA


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Qabyaalad dhib badana, he was abadoned by Abdirahman Abdishakuur with 20 other soldiers who lost their rank and pay to defend him. Now he is abandoned and begging Farmaajo to give him back his job.

This is what happens when you serve mooryan instead of your nation. Now Rooble active they dont need him :mjcry:
This was him before. Turned on his fellow soldiers and country for the sake of a corrupt foreign spy. Of course this was bound to happen to them.

Deserved, they should never be allowed into the military. Find work elsewhere.

This was him before. Turned on his fellow soldiers and country for the sake of a corrupt foreign spy. Of course this was bound to happen to them.

Deserved, they should never be allowed into the military. Find work elsewhere.

What was the idiot plans did he not know abdishakur didn't have any funds what to pay him 😂



Qabyaalad dhib badana, he was abadoned by Abdirahman Abdishakuur with 20 other soldiers who lost their rank and pay to defend him. Now he is abandoned and begging Farmaajo to give him back his job.

This is what happens when you serve mooryan instead of your nation. Now Rooble active they dont need him :mjcry:
I guess his campaign to raise funds did not go so well, nigga is so broke he cant even pay for bodyguards and I bet they don't even charge him 50 dollars, probably pasta in a plastic bag and a place to sleep:damedamn:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I guess his campaign to raise funds did not go so well, nigga is so broke he cant even pay for bodyguards and I bet they don't even charge him 50 dollars, probably pasta in a plastic bag and a place to sleep:damedamn:
Yeah they are going broke now or Rooble switchup made them redundant. I think its the latter so he feels like he doesnt need much armed security, Farmaajo should forgive them and welcome as a sign of gobanimo as long as they sign a contract to never join mooryaan again



go seek employment from hutus.