naahh like their ancestor niggas are gonna plunder the richest white nation nearby and die off real quickWell duh
Wouldn't want him ravaging Africa
naahh like their ancestor niggas are gonna plunder the richest white nation nearby and die off real quick
niggas plundered byzantiumI don't quite understand you lol
Muslims so weak, wishing one kuffar race to rule them over another
US did not rise through wars remember it stealthy took over the world at times you don't need brute force to take over the world you just use economic leverage which China is doing at the many times does it have to explained?
China has neither the ability nor the inclination to rule the world. This is a fantasy like Saddam destroying the US with WMDs, the official US 9/11 story, or Hitler conquering the world from a country half the size of Texas.
China would have trouble in a war with India. How is China going to conquer all of Asia when it might not even win against India?
I doubt China could even conquer Asia yet people unironically believe that China is going to conquer the world.... just like the "it's the Russians" conspiracizing.... "the Russians" are allegedly under every rock, secretly promoting social conservatism and plotting to undermine the Democrats while Putin laughs maniacally commanding his puppet Trump.....
How many times are people going to fall for these CNN hoaxes?