A women (i think african american) CLAIMING that Somali is for the ISREALIITIES as it was mentioned in the BIBLE

Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh!

So there are people who are trying to misguided the youth into apostasy openly, using the claim that the bible mentions Somalia as 'havalah' and refers to it as their promised land.

Now, they're going to the extreme by saying it's actually theres through revelations.

We all know that's false, however they're trying to convince the Somalis that the israelite religion is their original way of life and that their country is some what special in the bible so they should look to the bible!

Thoughts please, especially on how as Somalis we can preserve our religion amongst ourselves and the upcoming generations?


Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh!

So there are people who are trying to misguided the youth into apostasy openly, using the claim that the bible mentions Somalia as 'havalah' and refers to it as their promised land.

Now, they're going to the extreme by saying it's actually theres through revelations.

We all know that's false, however they're trying to convince the Somalis that the israelite religion is their original way of life and that their country is some what special in the bible so they should look to the bible!

Thoughts please, especially on how as Somalis we can preserve our religion amongst ourselves and the upcoming generations?

it is kinda true? I mean we are mentioned as the cursed people (not literally but the descendants of Ham are which we are). So technically it is indeed our lands
By the bible and the Old Testament. So according to Judaism and Christianity we are for some reason.

does this explain maybe why we f*ck each other over whenever we have the chance?
I have no clue :cosbyhmm:

The only thing I know is the raw hilib muncher's are semites & definitely cursed. :russ:


Ham was never cursed it was his son Canaan

Ham sons were first superpower and builders of civilization etc
No according to the bible Ham saw the nakedness of Noah, which Noah cursed him off it and said that Ham descendants will forever be cursed and they may never be free bla bla bla bla