A very informative video about the Hajar al-Aswad (black stone)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I am not interested in a single letter of a single word this deviant Yasir Qadhi has to say.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Take the good leave the bad

masha'Allah, I am happy for this opportunity to address this false principle that has been refuted. it has been refuted not by me but by the scholars of ahlus sunnah:

Refuting the false principle of “take the good and leave the bad” | Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan al-Hajiri​

just that video by itself clearly proves how wrong that false principle is ^...

for those who haven't seen this video I recommend this video as well, these are important things to understand:

الحلالُ بيِّنٌ والحرامُ بيِّنٌ وبينَهُما مشتَبِهاتٌ لا يعلمُها كثيرٌ منَ النَّاسِ فمنِ اتَّقى الشُّبُهاتِ استبرَأ لدينِهِ وعِرضِهِ ومن وقعَ في الشُّبُهاتِ وقعَ في الحرامِ كالرَّاعي حولَ الحِمى يوشِكُ أن يرتَعَ فيهِ ألا وإنَّ لِكُلِّ ملِكٍ حِمَى ألا وإنَّ حِمَى اللَّهِ محارمُهُ ألا وإنَّ في الجسَدِ مُضغةً إذا صلُحَتْ صلُحَ الجسَدُ كلُّهُ وإذا فسَدَت فسَدَ الجسَدُ كلُّهُ ألا وَهيَ القَلبُ
عرض مختصر..
الراوي : النعمان بن بشير | المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : صحيح ابن ماجه
الصفحة أو الرقم : 3234 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح | أحاديث مشابهة | شرح حديث مشابه
masha'Allah, I am happy for this opportunity to address this false principle that has been refuted. it has been refuted not by me but by the scholars of ahlus sunnah:

Refuting the false principle of “take the good and leave the bad” | Shaykh Muhammad Ramzan al-Hajiri​

just that video by itself clearly proves how wrong that false principle is ^...

for those who haven't seen this video I recommend this video as well, these are important things to understand:

what if you are an expert tho. So for example, lets say someone who does lots of bid'ah wrote a really good fiqh book. You are an expert on fiqh so you are able to confirm that everything in the book is correct, doesn't it make sense to accept/teach the book since it's true and who wrote it doesn't matter?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
what if you are an expert tho. So for example, lets say someone who does lots of bid'ah wrote a really good fiqh book. You are an expert on fiqh so you are able to confirm that everything in the book is correct, doesn't it make sense to accept/teach the book since it's true and who wrote it doesn't matter?

why would an expert need a book by a deviant? there are so many good scholars past and present- an expert wouldn't need to use books by deviants, there are tons and tons of books written by scholars of the sunnah to study.

so there wouldn't be a need to waste time with those books in the first place.

that and I don't think anyone on here is a scholar.