A study on the ancestry of the Kulubnarti.

Garaad diinle

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An interesting study that i came across that talks about kulubnarti sample in northern sudan. It concluded that modern day nubians are not direct descendants from the kulubnarti people which we already knew and that is most likely due to additional gene flow into the region. The kulubnarti are said to be on average 43% nilotic and 57% euroasian that came from egypt and is similar to bronze age and iron age levant. The eurasian component might've come through a conquest from ancient egypt there were also links between them and ptolemaic egypt or it could've came through the copts that converted them.

An interesting study that i came across that talks about kulubnarti sample in northern sudan. It concluded that modern day nubians are not direct descendants from the kulubnarti people which we already knew and that is most likely due to additional gene flow into the region. The kulubnarti are said to be on average 43% nilotic and 57% euroasian that came from egypt and is similar to bronze age and iron age levant. The eurasian component might've come through a conquest from ancient egypt there were also links between them and ptolemaic egypt or it could've came through the copts that converted them.

Slightly related to the topic, but I’d like to ask from which population do the Somalis derive most of their sub Saharan ancestry, and is it universal? I’ve heard theories bounded around like the nilotes, bushmen/Khoisan etc etc, I’d be grateful to see your reply brother, jazakumullah al khayr.
Slightly related to the topic, but I’d like to ask from which population do the Somalis derive most of their sub Saharan ancestry, and is it universal? I’ve heard theories bounded around like the nilotes, bushmen/Khoisan etc etc, I’d be grateful to see your reply brother, jazakumullah al khayr.
Most likely an ancient population situated in Lower Nubia most akin to modern South Sudanese people, though modern South Sudanese people carry West/Central African-like ancestry that seems to be absent from Somalis, so they aren't a perfect reference point.

Garaad diinle

 
Slightly related to the topic, but I’d like to ask from which population do the Somalis derive most of their sub Saharan ancestry, and is it universal? I’ve heard theories bounded around like the nilotes, bushmen/Khoisan etc etc, I’d be grateful to see your reply brother, jazakumullah al khayr.
I'm not well versed in the matter most of what i know is derived from this forum but as far as i know the somali sub saharan ancestry is mostly derived from a nilotic like population that we got in northern sudan before we moved into the horn. That would be almost around 60% of our genetic make up. There also seems to be another component said to be native hunter gatherers of the horn specifically somalia. You can even see some somali resembling nilotes which is probably from the the nilotic like ancestor.
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