A Puntite Sincere Advice To Somaliland


Dear Somaliland,

I am going to discuss with you about your problems and solutions. My father is well respected among Somaliland especially Siilanyo when he was Commerce Minister and he released my father from prison. My father has said that he is a wadani at heart but stuck with Somaliland secession due to some of your ignorant leaders brainwashing their locals that has led to a mass psychosis and they don't know how to un-do it. That is a warning to all future leaders of Somalia to be very careful about your politics and weigh up the long term outcome where it's harder to reverse without causing social instability or crisis.

The real motives driving Somaliland locally isn't Siyad Barre massacre, because Siyad Barre isn't here. The real driving force is correcting some imagined power-sharing mistake upon 1960 union, that's the real driving motive. Some argue tho SL project is a political cash-cow to get more power in Somalia that it doesn't warrant nationally(plausible).

Your SNM leaders crafted and rehashed a country that suits their clan domination on a defunct and unrecognized colonial border and this is verified by SNM Manifesto.


Plus add the fact those borders are legally defunct internationally and no country being a member of the UN/AU can recognize it without violating international law and having Somalia take them to the Hague like they did with Kenya over our mari-time territory.

What's even sadder and cements how deep the social psychosis is; even the colonial british borders your leader keep repeating are rejected by Britain itself. If your leaders had any 'damiir' politically they would know how baseless that argument is when the colonials themselves reject it.

The truth now is your leaders are stuck within an un-wise system(lagama fekerin dhibkay keeni karto) and revert to distracting their society with fictional enemies rejecting their secession such as PL/SSC/Mogadishu even tho the SANE world does also(why u not fighting them), but your politicians have now seen they can lay low under-cover and revert to personal interests such as corruption to enrich themselves or seek posts to develop their CV, while drumming up and feeding the Isaaq a lie.

Somaliland creation unfortunately was created due to hatred of others not love of themselves let alone love of Somalis unlike Puntland main foundation/mission was to help themselves so they can help Somalia which they did(sfg creation, constitution, ending transition) and Puntland still hold onto those founding principles. I am afraid to say but creating a state on external actors is the weakest form of unity like south sudan found out after their unity was cemented on hate of north sudan and when they became independent turned on themselves.

My advice to Somaliland is simple. Change this SNM chapter, stop holding onto a course that you know is heading nowhere whether it's recognition or even if recognized by Somali will result in your own south sudan outcomes becuz your unity isn't grounded on the love of your PEOPLE but on the hate of a Somali Enemy. Even Somalia fell after the Ethio enemy project wrapped up and today, any Somali leader with any political capital will REFUSE any system foundation based on external actors ever again.

My solution to Somaliland is start showing your productive in Somalia so even if Somalis do consider your secession they won't feel like your a threat to yourselves, them or others. End this madness of fighting unionist in the north or supplying shabab in PL mountains or the south and mistakenly assume thru Somalia destruction that you can achieve secession. You have tried this and it hasn't returned any positive outcome. So I urge change this chapter, let somaliland be seen by somalis(walal jira) when they see that, your secession is far more sellable to them.

Yours Dearly
Dr Osman Aka Af-Naareed Aka Puntite Loyalist Aka 'YEYIST' political mentor.
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It pains me to see people dying for what is essentially a lie(secession) which won't ever happen and is only used 4 a power-grab in somalia negiotations(correct 1960 mistake) and irresponsible leaders sell this lie for 30 years leading their locals into mass psychosis and then they start to infect NORMAL ppl unionist with it by creating them as fictional enemies over a border that even the british REJECTS.


Isaaq if u only knew the thunderous welcome u guys would get from Hamar if u guys played the Puntland role of helping yourself and Somalis, u guys would be reaping SO much benefits unlike Puntland which only reap losses.

One thing I agree with faysal ali waraabe ever said 'WE R MORE LIKED IN HAMAR THEN U'. That's 100% true, even as unproducive SL is in Somalia and how much hostility Isaaq show hawiye, HAWIYE still love u and trying to set up things with 'IRIR' on the brain. Thinking about it, Thank god landers are not playing that PL role, they would take over everything over nite, even now as they play unproductive role, hawiye loves them.
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