A paper predicts Somalia's absorption into Ethiopia

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
This is truly one of the most absurd papers I have ever had the misfortune of reading.

It reads like an Ethiopian propaganda piece, from denying the existence of any Somali states before colonialism to painting Siad Barre as "arrogant" for having the audacity to walk away from a meeting where the Soviet Union proposed Somalia losing only our sovereignty and merging with Ethiopia.


For a supposed scholar to wax lyrically about Ethiopia's "gallant" exploits against Italy while reducing the Somalis' thousand year history to nomadism is beyond the bounds of academia and veers towards outright propaganda and historical revisionism.

These are the folks the State Department probably consults with


John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Bahal ethios are the king of liars and indho adeeg, somalis were/are too honest and sincere wallahi. Our politicians have never been as low down and dirty as other, we are an caasi people wallahi.

There's never been a such thing as ethiopia or Kenya or any country in Africa.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Ethio elite = opportunistic snakes no different than colonials. They are cut from the same cloth.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
How could I forget that, kulahaa Jubbaland was taken from Kenya.

What Kenya? The Kenya that was formed in 1963 that brought together literally nude tribes and their former Arab masters? What the f*ck is an Ethiopia? Abysinnia, the conquered Oromos and the territory given away by the British to forment permanent enmity like they also did with Kashmir and Palestine?

Since our liberation in 1960, Ethiopia's false narrative has seemingly always taken precedence over the truth, mostly because of the unwillingness to redraw borders based on actual logic instead of the whims of colonialists.

I look forward to the day we get our shit together and experience the economic miracle I know the Somali entrepreneurial spirit is capable of.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Ethiopian;s have made everyone believe that they were the only precolonial state in East Africa.
In fact, Abyssinia was not even the most powerful state in East Africa as that title goes to the Imamate of Adal which conquered all of Abyssinia that was east of Lake Tana.

What you cannot argue with is the fact that Ethiopia will always have hegemony over Somalia, as long as they control the Bale Mountains, Somalia's source of water. The Ethiopians also want to divide and rule Somalia directly, which is why the writer proposes a free trade zone of sorts where Ethiopia gets free ports on the Indian Ocean. How can a country of 13 million form any sort of equal partnership with one that is 100 million? Somalis must navigate this problem of a neighbor who controls our water and has malign ambitions. Unfortunately, federalism will make this impossible, as you need a strong centralized state to deal with a threat of this magnitude.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I support Federalism because I know the people of PL/JL cannot share a state with the rest of Somalis. As soon as the people in Mogadishu gain control of a centralized state, they will attack Kismayo within the same month. Ethiopia for me is a medium to long-term threat, while Mogadishu is very much a short-term threat to my people. For now, it is in my interest to keep Somalia's central government weak, but it will hurt me in the long run as Ethiopia encroaches.

This is the kind of situation Game Theory was created for.


Prince of East Africa
Somaliland will stand on its own two feet like we did for 25 years.South Somalia after Shabab is gone will be divided between Ethiopia and Kenya like war spoils.
Somaliland will stand on its own two feet like we did for 25 years.South Somalia after Shabab is gone will be divided between Ethiopia and Kenya like war spoils.
If ethopia supports your independence what they don't recognize Somaliland? Because they want you as dessert after south Somalia and Puntland fall. No one is going to fight and help Somaliland.


Prince of East Africa
If ethopia supports your independence what they don't recognize Somaliland? Because they want you as dessert after south Somalia and Puntland fall. No one is going to fight and help Somaliland.
Did i say Ethiopia is a supporter of Somaliland independence.I know they also have their own interests.No is eating us for "dessert".Your understanding of the geopolitics of the Horn is quite sad.South Somalia has fell for 20+ years....we are still here.We will continue to be here with or without recognition buddy :fittytousand:
Did i say Ethiopia is a supporter of Somaliland independence.I know they also have their own interests.No is eating us for "dessert".Your understanding of the geopolitics of the Horn is quite sad.South Somalia has fell for 20+ years....we are still here.We will continue to be here with or without recognition buddy :fittytousand:
Buddy all Somalis are in the same boat, trust me nobody is going to recognize Somaliland because Djibouti is doing the rest role, nobody wants another poor Somali country. Watch this video you will learn lot BTW coldoon is issaq also.


Prince of East Africa
Buddy all Somalis are in the same boat, trust me nobody is going to recognize Somaliland because Djibouti is doing the rest role, nobody wants another poor Somali country. Watch this video you will learn lot BTW coldoon is issaq also.
We are not in the same boat as the south.We are not occupied,we have functioning govt and a peaceful population.I couldn't give two fucks what that dumbass Coldoon has to say!

We will not be poor actually we would be more wealthier then Djouboti if we were to be recognized.We have 4x the population of Djoubiti,we have Berbera,Oil and many other minerals under our ground.Burning Djoubit were lucky that they were not stuck with the sinking ship of Somalia.
We are not in the same boat as the south.We are not occupied,we have functioning govt and a peaceful population.I couldn't give two fucks what that dumbass Coldoon has to say!

We will not be poor actually we would be more wealthier then Djouboti if we were to be recognized.We have 4x the population of Djoubiti,we have Berbera,Oil and many other minerals under our ground.Burning Djoubit were lucky that they were not stuck with the sinking ship of Somalia.
I am from Berbera itself trust I know what am talking leave this hate 25 is more than enough to get recognizable we go around the same subject all day
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