A message to Gerigoor ( about his character assassination on us believers)

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I don't see it ..... show me where he called all of us kufaar or non muslims

If he want to leave this place it's his choice why are you all calaacaling about it:kobeok:
I don't remember saying anything you just said I just showed pictures how you read it is up to you:axvmm9o:
What Gegiroor is upset about, is the rampant disregard for any common decency by some of the members of this forum.

There are Atheists on this board who insist on bringing up Islam, almost every hour of the day. They engage in their polemics and they continue to take jabs at Muslims on this forum. But as soon as a Muslim retaliates, he's labeled as some "radical" or "extremist" by the smug Atheists on this forum.

These people are placing us in a Catch-22 situation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. In fact, I'd actually prefer not to get into any religious discussions at all on this forum....but I'm forced to because of the outright lies propagated against our Deen by the few Atheists here. It's unacceptable and we need to stand against this. I don't agree with what Gegiroor did here, I think it was unacceptable, but you have to understand his frame of reference. No Muslim likes to be talked down too, especially by some worthless Atheist. If an Atheist wants to get into a discussion with a Muslim brother, then he should humble himself and learn how to speak.

And this isn't because of our "hatred" towards people of different beliefs. I've already said before that I have no issue---absolutely zero problems with Christians or Jews. It's the Atheists that are the problem here, and they've taken their cues from Bill Maher, Sam Harris, and others on how to approach and discuss Islam and Muslims.
Wallahi I was just trolling but okay.:lolbron:

Two whole days of fuckery and you're keeping it going brother, I thank you.


Suldaanka Gobyare
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