A lost cause?

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A lot of the youth of the generation that have grown up in the west with both parents being somali speakers - more often than less also having migrated from the motherland as adults - have problems with speaking their mother tongue, sometimes even understanding it! Are the next generation a lost cause, and if so what do you reckon the people 200 years down the line with somali ancestors would call themselves?


Tahriib back to the motherland cuz Europe aint gonna be here in 100 years time. Reer Afghanistan baa la wareegaya:gaasdrink:


It's too damn HOT!
You have young parents now speaking English to their kids wallahi, the only solution is to take them back home during the summers for them to be surrounded by the language and to speak it 24/7. I've come to realize that younger Somalis will not talk or engage in a conversation simply because they do not know the language, how does one learn the language if they don't want to try to speak it? Starting with reading in Somali to learn grammar words and sentence structure would be best then to build it up from there.

I have high hopes and I can trust that the parents now will raise good kids who love their culture on the future.
I feel like kids raised in Scandinavia are better somali speakers than those who live in other western countries, but i'm probably wrong
The problems of the Canadian Somali diaspora are too much, there's little hope for them. I can't speak so definitively on other Somali diaspora communties. All my hopes and dreams are in the motherland and its people.
The problems of the Canadian Somali diaspora are too much, there's little hope for them. I can't speak so definitively on other Somali diaspora communties. All my hopes and dreams are in the motherland and its people.
Of those I´ve met in Sweden I´m yet to meet one that does not understand. Some of them can hardly speak correctly, while others speak as if they grew up in the motherland. I have seen youths that came a few years ago, and when addressing one another today speak swedish :bell:
You have young parents now speaking English to their kids wallahi, the only solution is to take them back home during the summers for them to be surrounded by the language and to speak it 24/7. I've come to realize that younger Somalis will not talk or engage in a conversation simply because they do not know the language, how does one learn the language if they don't want to try to speak it? Starting with reading in Somali to learn grammar words and sentence structure would be best then to build it up from there.

I have high hopes and I can trust that the parents now will raise good kids who love their culture on the future.
Something I have thought about for a long time is that kids pick up language very fast. Most can speak english 1 or 2 years after beginning learning it in school. Yes, they do not know it perfectly, but that is not the point. How I see it, it is a major victory if we can only get the youngsters to start speaking, even if it is broken somali. Some sort of institution must be setup for them to learn, I am thinking like an extension of the dugsi?
I think we should just accept the change. 200 years from now isn't that long, but it won't be the same. I hope the kids won't feel they have to belong to a particular country. Everyone can go everywhere and being ethnically from a place doesn't have any value anymore. The world isn't going to stay the way you're used to forever. It's scary, but it will happen eventually unless we go backwards.
I think we should just accept the change. 200 years from now isn't that long, but it won't be the same. I hope the kids won't feel they have to belong to a particular country. Everyone can go everywhere and being ethnically from a place doesn't have any value anymore. The world isn't going to stay the way you're used to forever. It's scary, but it will happen eventually unless we go backwards.
That could only happen if there would be one major language for all and no borders, which is far-fetched to say the least. Furthermore, as humans we always, consciously or unconsciously, categorize everyone we see so ethnicity will always play a role, don´t you think?
That could only happen if there would be one major language for all and no borders, which is far-fetched to say the least. Furthermore, as humans we always, consciously or unconsciously, categorize everyone we see so ethnicity will always play a role, don´t you think?

Yeah it probably will. It's too far ahead but at some point they have to come up with new categories.
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