A Happy Coming-Out-Story for A Somali Ex-Muslim

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Pepe Trump
What evidence to you have that the likelihood of God existent is non-existent? A considerable number of scientists suggest that the likelihood of God existing is far greater than not. Physicist Steven Unwin has calculated probability of the existence of a God to be at 0.67 for example.

LOL @ considering reductio ad absurdum to be a valid form of argument in this scenario. There are hundreds of cosmological arguments for the existence of a supreme being, what argument is there for a fucking unicorn?

Islam doesn’t interfere with culture. “Arabisation” is literally a very recent phenomenon that has been initiated, perpetuated and funded by the oil-rich gulf countries. The only case of an historical incidence that can remotely be classed as “Arabisation” was when two tribes from the Arabian peninsula, namely Banu Sulaym & Hilal invaded North Africa and displaced the Berbers who were the original inhabitants. Even then, most of the Berbers who’ve decided to settle with the Arabian tribes, intermarry with them and adopt their language & culture did so out of their own will, it was not pervasively imposed on them. The evidence for this is that there are some Berbers today who still speak in the tongues of their ancestors and have their dhaqan.

I want you to logically explain to me how adopting a set of laws and guidelines erodes one’s culture because this did not happen when Persia, al-Sham, Andalus, India and other nations/lands were conquered by the early Muslims. Don’t give me no emotional mumbo jumbo, I want solid facts.

Riddle me this: how are the total US population of 318.9 million not stopping a total of 50~ serial killers? Because it just happens. If they (the serial killers) made everyone aware of their operations, surely they’d soon be rendered immobile. As for the extremists who overtly wage Jihad, they are funded by your Western masters most of the times...

I'm sorry lad but the burden of evidence lies on the individual who makes the damn claim. I cannot disprove a negative statement. You have to provide evidence for your belief.

I'm going to dismiss that scientists unless there is an actual peer review study that backs him up. A scientists (who himself is a believer) is not an authority on this matter, evidence is.

The overwhelming majority of elite scientists are atheists dye to lack of evidence for a God.

Please, provide these "cosmological arguments."
I'm sorry lad but the burden of evidence lies on the individual who makes the damn claim. I cannot disprove a negative statement. You have to provide evidence for your belief.

I'm going to dismiss that scientists unless there is an actual peer review study that backs him up. A scientists (who himself is a believer) is not an authority on this matter, evidence is.

The overwhelming majority of elite scientists are atheists dye to lack of evidence for a God.

Please, provide these "cosmological arguments."
Most scientific theories are just that, theories

But I bet you're a hardcore believer of them yeah?:sass1:Big Bang suddenly just happening outta nowhere makes more sense to you than God when none are scienetifically proven?:sass2:


Pepe Trump
[QUOTE="Discontinous, post: 330548, member: 1188" Why didn't moderate Atheists stop Stalin and Mao Zedong? Both people are Atheists with different political and ideological agendas just like moderate Muslims and Radical extremist Muslims[/QUOTE]

:damedamn: Could you please stop equating atheism to communism. Atheism predates communism and can be found in civilisation such as that of the ancient Greeks and Indians.


Pepe Trump
Most scientific theories are just that, theories

But I bet you're a hardcore believer of them yeah?:sass1:Big Bang suddenly just happening outta nowhere makes more sense to you than God when none are scienetifically proven?:sass2:


Did this just say the Big Bang theory is not proven scientifically?!! :ileycry:

LOL a theory, in scientific terms, is a well substantiated, well supported and well documented explanation of the facts. Facts require explanations (theories) and explanations need to be authenticated.

Don't speak on things you've got no understanding of.
[QUOTE="Discontinous, post: 330548, member: 1188" Why didn't moderate Atheists stop Stalin and Mao Zedong? Both people are Atheists with different political and ideological agendas just like moderate Muslims and Radical extremist Muslims

:damedamn: Could you please stop equating atheism to communism. Atheism predates communism and can be found in civilisation such as that of the ancient Greeks and Indians.[/QUOTE]
You putting the burden of extremist and radical muslims on moderate muslims when they don't share political or ideological views allows me to put the burden of evil and genocidal Atheists on moderate Atheists. Dont be a fockin hypocrite m8

Moderate Islam predates extremist and radical Islam too. Salafism was created in the 19th century.
I love when religious people try to seem scientific and philosophical in their belief of God

Ok. You hypothesise that the universe cannot come from no where and it must have a creator. You would think the logical approach would be to put off believing in God till the hypothesis is proven but instead they take it a full 360
They ascribe a name to him, bow down 5 times a day to him, Even enter the bathroom a certain way because of him.

The irony is too strong :deadmanny:

Edit: Inb4 they cite the Quran as proof
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Pepe Trump
:damedamn: Could you please stop equating atheism to communism. Atheism predates communism and can be found in civilisation such as that of the ancient Greeks and Indians.
You putting the burden of extremist and radical muslims on moderate muslims when they don't share political or ideological views allows me to put the burden of evil and genocidal Atheists on moderate Atheists. Dont be a fockin hypocrite m8

Moderate Islam predates extremist and radical Islam too. Salafism was created in the 19th century.[/QUOTE]

Actually moderate Islam is a recent attempt by the "non extremists" to distance themselves from the radicals. One can argue that Islamic history is of in itself radical and fundamentalist.

Did this just say the Big Bang theory is not proven scientifically?!! :ileycry:

the Big Bang hasn't been proven thats why its a fucking THEORY.
Where does it state its proven?
As with any theory, a number of mysteries and problems have arisen as a result of the development of the Big Bang theory. Some of these mysteries and problems have been resolved while others are still outstanding. Proposed solutions to some of the problems in the Big Bang model have revealed new mysteries of their own. For example, thehorizon problem, the magnetic monopole problem, and the flatness problem are most commonly resolved with inflationary theory, but the details of the inflationary universe are still left unresolved and many, including some founders of the theory, say it has been disproven.[94][95][96][97] What follows are a list of the mysterious aspects of the Big Bang theory still under intense investigation by cosmologists and astrophysicists.

I'm not advocating any way but your hypocrisy is pouring through. "oh dumb muslims god isnt even scientifically proven lool" but then turn around and shout about the Big Bang like it is.

Go back to r/atheism bruv
Wasn't @Discontinous atheist when he first started here?
Believe in Allah but not too religious.

Almost danced with Atheism but that was when I was 15 like most other Atheists on the net. Atheism is the new and big rebellion "agaisnt the institution" just like the Emo phase shit. Grew out of it though and Im happy cuz I was an irritable shit back then, browsing 9gag and Reddit religiously lol
You putting the burden of extremist and radical muslims on moderate muslims when they don't share political or ideological views allows me to put the burden of evil and genocidal Atheists on moderate Atheists. Dont be a fockin hypocrite m8

Moderate Islam predates extremist and radical Islam too. Salafism was created in the 19th century.

Actually moderate Islam is a recent attempt by the "non extremists" to distance themselves from the radicals. One can argue that Islamic history is of in itself radical and fundamentalist.[/QUOTE]
Argue that then. Religious extremism grew out of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Europeans playing of the Arab World. They promoted the Wahhabi creator and gave him his own country while creating tensions between Arabs and Jews and Shias and Sunnis by splitting and putting them togheter then creating rivalry as a means to control them


Pepe Trump
the Big Bang hasn't been proven thats why its a fucking THEORY.
Where does it state its proven?

I'm not advocating any way but your hypocrisy is pouring through. "oh dumb muslims god isnt even scientifically proven lool" but then turn around and shout about the Big Bang like it is.

Go back to r/atheism bruv

the Big Bang hasn't been proven thats why its a fucking THEORY.
Where does it state its proven?

I'm not advocating any way but your hypocrisy is pouring through. "oh dumb muslims god isnt even scientifically proven lool" but then turn around and shout about the Big Bang like it is.

Go back to r/atheism bruv

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory For the sake of your God, don't walk into an argument unprepared. First look into what a 'theory' in science actually means.
Believe in Allah but not too religious.

Almost danced with Atheism but that was when I was 15 like most other Atheists on the net. Atheism is the new and big rebellion "agaisnt the institution" just like the Emo phase shit. Grew out of it though and Im happy cuz I was an irritable shit back then, browsing 9gag and Reddit religiously lol

Against the institution:drakekidding: I feel like religious people uses god as a cop out in many situations, usually as soon as they can´t explain something.


Pepe Trump
Actually moderate Islam is a recent attempt by the "non extremists" to distance themselves from the radicals. One can argue that Islamic history is of in itself radical and fundamentalist.
Argue that then. Religious extremism grew out of the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Europeans playing of the Arab World. They promoted the Wahhabi creator and gave him his own country while creating tensions between Arabs and Jews and Shias and Sunnis by splitting and putting them togheter then creating rivalry as a means to control them[/QUOTE]

What are you on about?! Pretty much everything Isis does, the Islamic empires were doing. The Sahabas killed each other, practiced slavery, conducted the Jizya and so on. Is that "moderate." The Ottoman Empire was highly secular during its dying years. They even decriminalised homosexuality.
Against the institution:drakekidding: I feel like religious people uses god as a cop out in many situations, usually as soon as they can´t explain something.
Anecdotal experience. Its true in alot of cases. Coupled with the "Im 15 and I know it all" feeling and there you go.


Pepe Trump
Is the Big Bang scientifically proven? A yes or no question

You can believe whatever you want but don't be a fucking hypocrite. The Big Bang theory isnt even the only theory on the beginning of the universe.

The Big Bang theory is scientifically confirmed. That's what a bloody theory actually means. A scientific idea that has the word theory in it implies that it has the highest rank in science. It has passed the tests.
The Big Bang theory is scientifically confirmed. That's what a bloody theory actually means. A scientific idea that has the word theory in it implies that it has the highest rank in science. It has passed the tests.
Its not scientifically proven and still has unanswered faults. Dont be naive.

Its viable and currently the most fitting theory, but not proven. Just like God. You have faith that it is true just like a religious person has faith that God is real
The Big Bang theory is scientifically confirmed. That's what a bloody theory actually means. A scientific idea that has the word theory in it implies that it has the highest rank in science. It has passed the tests.
It is the best fitting shoe but not a perfect fit. Just like many theories before that were scientifically supported only to be dispelled after time and techonogical advancement


Pepe Trump
The thing i find funny is, if they really belive in heaven and hellfire. Why do they even come in here, talk shit, converse with gaalo, shukansi females, lie, have avatar pics of females/men and loads of other non "islamic" acts? Are u not terrified of the consequence? Yes, you guys are going to say that u are just human, all of us sin and all of that crap. and to a degree, u are probably right, but if you guys really bout that deen, u would not take any chances on the after life? or am i completely wrong?
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