A few brothers who were buddies of mine from Karmel died after prayer.


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Lefty who was a sujuu brother from Karmel years ago was shot and killed in his own car after he left the Karmel Masjid Isha prayer. Someone mistook him for another person they were looking for. He was a truck driver and left behind a wife and children may Allah grant him Jannah.

Another brother named Haayo was shot dead during a month in which he grew more closer to the Masjid and Islam.

Another brother of mine Mukhtar left America for Somalia and I met him in 2014 in Somalia. He told me his father ex-communicated him because he didn't finish University. He was killed by a Mosquito via Malaria. He was glowing and his eyes looked amazing in the months before his death. It appeared he was in a state of Liban.

It was their time may Allah grant them Jannah

