Sxb no one investigates or finds the killers. We say our AUN, bury the victim next day, and we move on till the next assasination.This needs to be investigated by the Federal Government
Sxb no one investigates or finds the killers. We say our AUN, bury the victim next day, and we move on till the next assasination.
Bantu clan elder?
How many regions do they live in traditionally?
All the river areas?
Hiiraan, Jubbas..
that's a lie their homes are around the rivers, gosha region and other parts of shabelle and jubba riversSomali-Bantu's pretty much live everywhere in the southern 9 provinces
They don't live anywhere traditionally they're traditional home is probably Tanzania, Rwanda or even Uganda
that's a lie their homes are around the rivers, gosha region and other parts of shabelle and jubba rivers
when you oppress minorities and you wonder why your region is a shithole, southern logic.You should learn to remain silent when adults are talking
Alot of killings go without investigation in Somalia, no matter who you are. Atleast this elder was known so people will demand investigation.Damn,he was Bantu. No cushite will investigate his murder...aun
that's a lie their homes are around the rivers, gosha region and other parts of shabelle and jubba rivers
when you oppress minorities and you wonder why your region is a shithole, southern logic.
when you oppress minorities and you wonder why your region is a shithole, southern logic.