A Bloodbath Will Happen In Ethiopia!

we be having many babies. my grandfather had like 10 kids. i guess if you don't have the stressful dunya life that we have in the west, you have a lot of relations with your wife in your free time.
lol ethiopia is huge, think about it. 1,104,300 sq km, 12th most populous country in the world, 26th biggest country in the world.
Ethiopia also has a lot of arable lands to sustain such a population.


What happened to the Ethiopian army? How are they not able to defeat a rebel from a minority region?
They are just like the Somali army in the late 80s and early 1990s. The Ethiopian soldiers are unmotivated and divided over ethnic lines.


From kill the hutus to killed the amharas. Damn africa is the gift that keeps on giving.

Don't the ENDF have air support? how have they lost the upper hand. Amhara women will be raped and their kids killed if this is the level of hatred the tigrayans have for them.

If any amhara women need citizenship just DM me. I can smuggle you over the somali border.:kanyehmm: :pachah1:
Allahu Akbar. The amharas should be rounded up like the jews

Aren't Y,'all Afraid A Hundred Million Might Descend Upon The Somali People And Are The Ethiopian Army Still In Somaliyee Wtf Surely The Sitiuation Is More Dier In Their Homeland Than Ours

:jcoleno: :cosbyhmm::mindblown::kanyehmm::tocry:
It seems like you have all forgotten your purpose in this dunya. Which is to worship Allah. Knowing what death brings to those who have committed sins and didn't get the chance to grow and change and be forgiven. You wish more bloodshed on them in the comfort of your homes in the west which its immigration happened due to this exact very thing that is happening to our brothers in humanity. If we took out this religious point of view and looked at our people and their homeland its very ironic isn't it? We are all the children of Adam stop this horrible wish on others.
Abiy maybe Oromo but his mentality and politics is that of an amhara supremacist. Maybe he's under the control of his Amhara wife, who knows. But, we Oromo's do not consider him to be a true Oromo son.
Isn’t is mother Amhara? You really are what your mother is not what your father is, damn maybe the Jews are on to something lol
It seems like you have all forgotten your purpose in this dunya. Which is to worship Allah. Knowing what death brings to those who have committed sins and didn't get the chance to grow and change and be forgiven. You wish more bloodshed on them in the comfort of your homes in the west which its immigration happened due to this exact very thing that is happening to our brothers in humanity. If we took out this religious point of view and looked at our people and their homeland its very ironic isn't it? We are all the children of Adam stop this horrible wish on others.
The hour will descend upon the worst people living at the time and it seems that the people living now are the worst. I'm not surprised by the words I've seen written.
I dont entertain Amhara propaganda of Fakenews.
is that all? I was expecting a Nazi level triad or long essay about how they're jews and must be obliterated.

You kinda disappointed me, I honestly thought this video will set you off. Absolute unadulterated hatred and cuqdad you exhibit for the Amhara is something else.
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Amhara propaganda at best.
Last years an amhara with gun shot at a crowd of Tigrayans protesting against Abye regime.

Amhara have been left with cheap shots now after Addis Ababa is about to fall.

The amhara social media was buzz with hate speech and calling Tigrayans " cancer" for a whole year.
is that all? I was expecting a Nazi level triad or long essay about how they're jews and must obliterated.

You kinda disappointed me, I honestly thought this video will set you off. Absolute unadulterated hatred and cuqdad you exhibit for the Amhara is something is.
You dont need to rely on me just visit their social media platforms and see for your self how they spew their venomous hate.They were even bragging about killing Tigrayans last year even posting them on social media throwning civilians off the cliff.
I have no love for amhara.
Its like asking jews to love Hitler.
Who do you think is aiding Afars kill somalis in western Sitti?


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