8 things that breaks the fast Abu Muadh Taqweem


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
«The 8 types of things (mufattirāt) that break the fast of a person.

‎Short 3-mins clip - bitesize rulings.

‎Translated from Shaikh ibn ‘Uthaymīn رحمه الله

‎Listen here:

I dont understand number 7. What does he mean?
you don't know cupping???, dude you should do it. Your back is bad in expelling out toxic chemicals, so you use cupping/blood letting where your back gets small incisions.

Prophet SAW did it. Athletes have started to do it too, it helps your body detox



I am not a farax
@Lum as one who hasn’t fully memorised the Quran, how should I pray taraweh at home?

Even if you only have memorized surah Fatiha would it not be a problem. It is permissible to use a mushaf while you´re praying. So you can read Alhamdulillah. You can make dua during assujud as long as you want.