They were just young youths who recently graduated and went there to help. They werent even locals, how will @Jiron and other Nabad Iyo Nolol supporters justify thisAun to those young volunteers who had their whole life infront of them
AUNYaa ka dambeeyey xasuuqa dhallinyaradii Gololey? – Dadka deegaanka oo hal dhinac wada eedeeyey
By Asad Cabdullahi Mataan
May 28, 2020
in Warar
Balcad (Caasimada Online) – Xog dheeraad ah ayaa kasoo baxeysay dilka sideed dhallinyaro ah oo maanta meydadkooda lasoo dhigay deegaanka Gololey ee degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe.
Dhallinyarada la laayey, ayaa toddoba ka mid ah waxay u shaqeynayeen xarun caafimaad oo la yiraah Zamzam, waxayna ahaayeen dhallinyaro wax bartay oo jaamacado ka baxay oo deegaanka u tegay inay caawiyaan dadkooda, ayaga oo ka kala tegay Muqdisho iyo Balcad.
Inkasta oo baaritaan arrintan ku aadan weli uu socdo, oo aysan si dhab ah u caddeyn cidda gaysatay falkan, ayaa haddana dad dhowr ah oo ka mid ah kuwa deegaanka oo la hadlay Caasimada Online waxay xasuuqa dhallinyaradan ku wada eedeeyeen inay ka dambeeyeen ciidamada militariga Soomaaliya, kuwaas oo, sida ay sheegeen, ayaga oo carreysan shalay kaxeystay kadibna inta ay soo dileen kusoo tuuray laamiga Gololey.
Nabaddoon Maxamed Cali Madoobe oo ka mid ah odayaasha deegaanka oo la hadlay idaacadaha Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in ciidamada kaxeystay dhallinyarada ay ka tirsanaayeen guutada 27-aad ee militariga Soomaaliya.
Nabaddoonka ayaa sheegay in ciidamada xasuuqa gaystay ay ku labisnaayeen dharka ciidamada dowladda, balse ay wejiyada soo duubteen, sidoo kalena ay qariyeen astaanta calanka ee ku dheggan tuutaha.
The part you bolded tells you and most of the article says repeatedly 'dadkooda'. Its sad and unexplainable. They were local and alot these 'guutos' outside of banaadir are mainly lafs of different qabils mixed with a few others. They do what they want, later when that guuto gets caught up the news report it as 2 militia oo isxabadeyay not whatever guuto of the snaThey were just young youths who recently graduated and went there to help. They werent even locals, how will @Jiron and other Nabad Iyo Nolol supporters justify this
Theres no structure, no chain of command, no dispatch centre. These men dont deserve the honour of being called soldiers but banditsThe part you bolded tells you and most of the article says repeatedly 'dadkooda'. Its sad and unexplainable. They were local and alot these 'guutos' outside of banaadir are mainly lafs of different qabils mixed with a few others. They do what they want, later when that guuto gets caught up the news report it as 2 militia oo isxabadeyay not whatever guuto of the sna
how will @Jiron and other Nabad Iyo Nolol supporters justify this
Another Floyd case in Somalia.
AUN waxaan ciidan mahan wa moryaan tuute soo xidhay
They were just young youths who recently graduated and went there to help. They werent even locals, how will @Jiron and other Nabad Iyo Nolol supporters justify this