4 Largest Inventions Last 500 Years


This as far as I am concerned the 4 biggest inventions for the past 500 years, I don't mean innovation as there is difference because an innovation can only happen when an invention happens. These 4 inventions really make me feel totally 'gobsmacked'.

1. Gravity
2. Motor
3. Electricity
4. Printing press

I say these 4 because gravity question led to the possibilities of flight which was totally unheard of in the world, it wasn't an innovation but a total new chatper in human development and innovation is simply 'pages' in chapter where-as an invention is totally new chapter in a book that I consider my religion called 'knowledge'. Anyways this led to airplanes-helicopters-airforce-drones-space age also. Just one invention led to so many innovations that transformed how we travel, fight, and explore the universe. I would say this is one of the biggest inventions in the last 400-500 years.

The motor is overlooked as another invention which I don't think is 'innovation' it introduced the whole industrial age that 'somalis' haven't entered by the way as their still using the old ottoman primitive technologies kkkkk. But this revolutionized our concept of 'work' from 'manual' hands based approach to the development of machinery that does the work faster and more accurate. It also led to innovations in transport and how we travel thru vehicles and trains, how we farm for food, how we produce goods/products in factories, this is responsible for the economic explosion in the western world.

While the rest of the world was still in the 'primitive' hand based mode of production and their transport was merely 'camels' these people were transporting thru rail, vehicles, motorized ships, it led to many break-throughs and still does. Nearly everything no matter how small it is like robot vacuum to as large as factory machine, they all report to this 'chapter' called 'the age of machines or motors'.

The age of the printing press was quite amazing as it transformed how we learn and study and was the beginning of the information age and revolutionized how we learn knowledge much more quickly and efficiently. I gave this separate chapter as it is the foundation of knowledge even though it could be argued it reports to the industrialization' chapter itself and was machine based but I will give it a separate chapter because without it , it would lead to no schools-universities-books-etc and thus no skills or knowledge economy.

Finally the electricity oh my oh my was this baby a game changer when the world was stuck in primitive 'candles, kerosene, and fire' as 'lighting' technology, this totally turned a 'dark' world into a 'world of light' it allowed the western world to not only work during the day but also created a night time economy, which is lacking also in Somalia mind u the night time economy. This blew the world out into the open, it was this invention that is responsible for the advancements into the telephone-computers-smart phones-power and energy-solar-wind and as far as I am concerned it will be around for a long time and will evolve into new innovations but a new chapter outside of this won't happen for a few centuries is my opinion.

So what u think guys? do not list 'innovations' please that are simply advancements on top of an invention, is there any other inventions that u know of that simply sends you into a 'frenzy' of 'awe' and 'disbelief'? This is my god and always will be my belief in it is so strong and my faith is tied to it. I don't believe god is known untill knowledge is known or else your backward emotional rat bag like you see in Islamic world today who tell u they know god yet they're futo live in a sewage, where is your knowledge of god if you live lower then dogs, you god must be a dog in my opinion cause that's how u live.


Somalis cannot even 'innovate' which is very simple and requires u only to bring together different established knowledges and create new products-goods-knowledge from it, it's not an invention since you using well known established knowledge to add advancement.

Somalis cannot even do this basic level of thinking, let alone 'invent' something totally outside the established knowledge, that is true genius, that's a damn god in my eyes or one in a 500 year event, you cannot even be simply a one in a 20 year guy and innovate from established knowledge.


@Alluring my attacks on Somalis and more so 'Islam' because that gets some of sort of 'next level protection' and makes me 'curious' maxaa la qarinaya as nothing is outside critical thinking or else it's mythology, my attack on this backward religion will not stop untill it's removed from the face of the earth or reformed, I won't tolerate a religion that has it's people living in sewages and saying they know god, what god do u know the god of 'sewages' surely if your intellect only creates such conditions u wud naturally conclude their religion is a religion of sewages also unless you refuse to follow logical process. U can't argue a logical premise that muslims live in sewages yet their understanding of god is higher then a civilization.
This is only dunya mentality that killing us and Arab world. Did you know the print was used used in the oromon empire first and they banned it.


Inventors are like prophets in our knowledge religion, just like u adore the various prophets in Islam, we adore inventors, where-as innovators who do not establish new knowledge but know how to use existing knowledge to create innovation are like our 'saints' or your 'awliyah or scholars or whatever u call them and even within them there is distinctions and 'ranks' on the superiority like u see with scholars-sahaba-awliyah.

Where-as in your religion innovation is totally unacceptable hence the ability to grow with time is just not going to happen, you will end up with a religion that is totally inconsistent with the world it lives in and over time it will be 'extinct'. Innovation ensures your society doesn't go extinct and by barring this in Islam, u pretty much buried yourself as it's totally against the scientific fact that the world isn't static and evolves and everyone must evolve with it and hence innovation must be at the core of your philosophy to catch up with the world as evolution will not just stop just cause u stopped to innovate, it's you and your religion who will be cancelled from the equation kkkkk.

So don't argue innovation is bid'ah and then say I want to remain in the world, you just basically cancelled yourself with that philosophical direction as it means u don't innovate and hence the world that is evolving will leave u behind like it did the aborigines, that is all your islam is heading towards, just like hadith says that the prophet won't even 'recognize' this stone-age religion as they camp around as neaderthals and the rest of the world is in the universe 'creating planets' from scratch


The reason we create shrines, remembrance of great inventors they took humanity into a new chapter of knowledge that didn't exist, we feel every chapter that is opened in the book of knowledge will increase our understanding of the ultimate god, hence we really do revere them as 'gifts given to us by god to march on the road of knowledge' and we protect them at all times and honor them just like u honor your prophets of the past. It's not much different, but the 'awe' and 'love' we have for them is similar for the 'awe' and 'love' u hold for the prophets of your religion.


I am NOT a federal agent
Where-as in your religion innovation is totally unacceptable
The only innovation unacceptable in islam is RELIGIOUS innovation. that is when you change the religion after it has come down. Please do research before talking please. we can make tech and advance as a society without compromising our religion those two are not mutually exclusive


The only innovation unacceptable in islam is RELIGIOUS innovation. that is when you change the religion after it has come down. Please do research before talking please. we can make tech and advance as a society without compromising our religion those two are not mutually exclusive

Religious innovation has to happen or else your not in sync with the world of knowledge itself and knowledge itself will not be cancelled out for someone wanting to aboriginalize his religion to the point it becomes stale in it's understanding and leads to massive exodus, religious understanding must grow as the knowledge of the world grows and islam reinterpreted is a mandatory since it's god is infinite and your saying it's 'finite' in time stuck with 7th century interpretation, well u can stay finite we know where that got the christian church 1000 year dark age which u islamic world took advantage of for the sole purpose you were in 'sync' with your time, now their in sync with their time and your not.

Suck shit dude, the only religion that is right is the one that is sync with time and updates it's understanding of god and islam with the knowledge of the world not reject it on the premise your stuck with an answer stuck in finite time since god knowledge isn't stuck in the 7th century because time is a law and knowledge of god will not be the same as knowledge expands based on time.


For example your saying that the understanding of god is stuck in time since u refuse bid'ah that means your god isn't infinite and stuck there lol. Where-as god is infinite and our understanding is 'finite' is what u should say and we shouldn't promote no innovation in religion whatsoever since our understanding has a long way to go to understand the infinite, we shud promote innovation so our understanding grows as time continues and knowledge is added.

Finite with a philosophical direction of 'innovation' is mandatory since it's ok our understanding grows beyond the 7th century of god, that was their 7th century finite minds understanding, this doesn't mean god is stuck n trapped in that time period, his infinite and outside that, every understanding we bring forth will be in-line with god since his never ending. We want a god that doesn't change because he won't his totally infinite and never ending, but it's us who have to change at all times and grow with the times of knowledge and never promote being stuck in a finite time period understanding, as god said 'u must change yourself' which means 'innovate' grow in your knowledge, do not get stuck in dogma and rituals of the past since his never changing at all, he wants us to continously grow our understanding of him and his waiting for us 'cilmaanis' and we coming, u can stay behind hugging around the stone ages with your 7th century sahaba and salafis or watever


I am NOT a federal agent
Religious innovation has to happen or else your not in sync with the world of knowledge itself and knowledge itself will not be cancelled out for someone wanting to aboriginalize his religion to the point it becomes stale in it's understanding and leads to massive exodus, religious understanding must grow as the knowledge of the world grows and islam reinterpreted is a mandatory since it's god is infinite and your saying it's 'finite' in time stuck with 7th century interpretation, well u can stay finite we know where that got the christian church 1000 year dark age which u islamic world took advantage of for the sole purpose you were in 'sync' with your time, now their in sync with their time and your not.

Suck shit dude, the only religion that is right is the one that is sync with time and updates it's understanding of god and islam with the knowledge of the world not reject it on the premise your stuck with an answer stuck in finite time since god knowledge isn't stuck in the 7th century because time is a law and knowledge of god will not be the same as knowledge expands based on time.
In Surat maidah Allah said that he prefected our religion for us. How can we change it to follow the whims of the 21st century if one does that then they directly deny what is in the Quran that person is not a Muslim. If there are ideas and inventions that go against the Islamic way of life we will not adopt them but we will hold fast to the rope of Allah.


I am NOT a federal agent
For example your saying that the understanding of god is stuck in time since u refuse bid'ah that means your god isn't infinite and stuck there lol. Where-as god is infinite and our understanding is 'finite' is what u should say and we shouldn't promote no innovation in religion whatsoever since our understanding has a long way to go to understand the infinite, we shud promote innovation so our understanding grows as time continues and knowledge is added.

Finite with a philosophical direction of 'innovation' is mandatory since it's ok our understanding grows beyond the 7th century of god, that was their 7th century finite minds understanding, this doesn't mean god is stuck n trapped in that time period, his infinite and outside that, every understanding we bring forth will be in-line with god since his never ending. We want a god that doesn't change because he won't his totally infinite and never ending, but it's us who have to change at all times and grow with the times of knowledge and never promote being stuck in a finite time period understanding, as god said 'u must change yourself' which means 'innovate' grow in your knowledge, do not get stuck in dogma and rituals of the past since his never changing at all, he wants us to continously grow our understanding of him and his waiting for us 'cilmaanis' and we coming, u can stay behind hugging around the stone ages with your 7th century sahaba and salafis or watever
Since you keep going on about the 7th century tell me ONE thing that is wrong with 7th century Islamic society. Those were the good old days I would love to live in that time period


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
The only think Muslims invented was number Zero(Sufur) and how to conceal bombs and violence, none of them ever received Noble peace prize on my science in medicine or philosophy.

Even A.A scientists invented peanut butter and traffic lights during the slavery, Muslims are just embarrassing and should be in concentration camps to finish each other off, these parasites need to be grouped up in an island so their 10 breading men and women don't suck all our world resources.


I am NOT a federal agent
The only think Muslims invented was number Zero(Sufur) and how to conceal bombs and violence, none of them ever received Noble peace prize on my science in medicine or philosophy.

Even A.A scientists invented peanut butter and traffic lights during the slavery, Muslims are just embarrassing and should be in concentration camps to finish each other off, these parasites need to be grouped up in an island so their 10 breading men and women don't suck all our world resources.
How you gon call yourself a Somali when you dissed 99% of us and called for us to be exterminated gtfo u hentai watching Ethiopian. Fear god who made you. How u gon believe that you have no maker? This below freezing iq.