@Cici @beenley the above poster is an apologists. He tries to mentally explain why a 50 year old man can marry a 9 year old and grasps at lies.You're clearly ignorant and you're humour is trash. In Islam, A girl has to be physically and mentally prepared for the marriage. Aisha was physically/mentally ready for the marriage. A 9 year old back then isn't the same as a 9 year old today. Different growth circumstances.
Secondly aren't you a gold digger dating a 61 year old man for his money? You're also the same one who's attracted to transgenders and talks like a in your other threads. You're an Atheist which means you have no objective moral standards so you should be the last one to talk.
No 9 year old is ready for a 50 year old man to have sex with her @Ayubi... none...
Furthermore women did not grow faster in hotter areas if anyoje was wondering.
"Research has not supported the belief, once widely held, that sexual development occurs at an earlier age in the tropics than in temperate regions. In fact, there is almost unanimous consensus that that climate has little or no effect on the age of menarche"
(See attached pdf for full study)